Jenny Groener

Commented on M/<30 BARRE SWEAT /119

Sep 09 at 08:34 AM

Marnie, you are truly the best part of every day for me since I met you. Excellent class - great all standing class if like me you sometimes need to rest your wrists once in a while. :)

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /4

Sep 08 at 09:01 AM

So so so so good. Modified for not a lot of jumping (oh those ankles) and energetically moved my arms and hips and feet throughout. I imagine myself doing flying sautes during the floor work which makes me happy. I opted to stand during the closing moments of zen. A perfect 30 minute standing (almost) class.

Commented on M/<20 ARM SCULPT /113

Sep 07 at 09:53 AM

Realized it was Wednesday and I could do the LIVE IRL and had 30 min to kill so revisited this and golly gee am I glad I did. See you in 8 minutes give or take. Highly Recommend for a lovely burst of energy!

Sep 06 at 04:32 PM

Revisiting for today's workout. It was exactly what I needed - literally kicking options! I love it.

Sep 05 at 09:07 AM

Loved This! Added to Favorites right away - A must for anyone new to M/Body for a great workout on the Barre, low impact with some lovely ab work to top it off. Chef's kiss to Marnie and M/Body Family!

Sep 01 at 05:29 PM

This was so so so perfect for the end of the day after a lot of walking on cement and before dinner prep. My hips are thanking you right now M!

Sep 01 at 04:16 PM

Missed this live - love the moves! Had to channel my OG knowledge to improvise the last 8 minutes as the wifi where I was staying was from the 90s and my connection kept dropping. I made it work because I. GET. TO. DO. THIS. !!!!!!

Aug 24 at 05:47 PM

This was so so so good. I'm sorry I missed the live! I like the idea of incorporating the lives into the 21 day guides. My 2 cents. Love the gfam. xo

Aug 18 at 03:28 PM

This was a perfect class. Everyone should do this. Thank you.

Aug 13 at 11:52 AM

This was excellent! I loved dancing through this whole class. Thank you Marnie!