Jenny Groener

Feb 26 at 01:34 PM


Feb 26 at 01:34 PM

omg totally have thought that!!! thank you carly!

Feb 25 at 11:06 AM

Jumped into this class after today's sat was pushed (weather!) because I needed a m<45 and I was so happy it was this one and also sad because the war on Ukraine is a year old this month. I hope our G-Fam in Ukraine and Russia are safe and well and there's not a day that goes by that we don't think about what you are going through. Let's hope this conflict ends as soon as possible.

Feb 24 at 09:24 AM

I needed tha! Modified with the ball between my knees for floor work and it really helped.xo

Feb 23 at 05:40 PM

What a great m<20 - made it a favorite immediately. It has it all - low impact, new moves! great flow, got sweaty, but not too sweaty. It was a great one to do after not having done class in 2 days - got back on the mat tonight and I feel very relaxed and happy because of Marnie's awesomely happy outfit and wonderful encouraging words.

Feb 23 at 05:32 PM

Loved reading this Megan!

Feb 23 at 04:52 PM

Perfect m<30 . really what I needed - meant to post this a couple of days ago. xo
What a lovely Sig 60! The playlist was excellent (Stormy Weather during stretch!, Big Mary for cardio! the flow was great, some new moves too! I feel very relaxed and strong right now. Thank you M!

Commented on M/<20 ABS + ARMS /166

Feb 18 at 04:12 PM

Catching up on self love today! Have to echo my pal LP below: Amazing for arms & abs & sweat & a great relaxing stretch series at the end. Thanks M!

Feb 17 at 07:25 AM

Totally recommend! A new favorite! Had so much fun doing this class and you better believe I was taking big reaching steps! What a great combo of moves - love!