Jenny Groener

Mar 06 at 09:25 AM

'afterlife feeling'!!!!ย 

Mar 06 at 09:23 AM

I popped this on after 'walk' today and kept my shoes on and it was a little clunky moving around, walking shoes, but I had a flow during the plank series that I'd not had before (because of my feet) so I can't wait to try this again without shoes and channel that energy again!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /76

Mar 05 at 10:00 AM

Wow. What a Great Signature 60. Delightful. Per Lindsey J, push through the Plank Dance. You can do it. I want to come back to it and push through it again. Thanks M/Body!

Mar 04 at 11:53 AM

Fantastic Signature Class. I loved all of the new combos with new twists on our signature favorites. Can't wait to try this again. Sweet, sweet playlist. PJ Harvey rules!


Mar 04 at 08:57 AM

It's on the list! Thank you Nicole M!

Commented on New to the Fam!

Mar 04 at 08:55 AM

Welcome Jeannine! Hope your last M/onth has been fruitful and ditto to what all the peeps ahead of me have said!ย 

Commented on Release the Feet!

Mar 04 at 08:49 AM

So happy to read this Marisol (and Emily P). It's inspiring me to figure out my own feet problems!

Mar 02 at 08:32 AM

Try this as soon as you can no matter how you are feeling. I tried a few jumps today and then I kept doing them (baby jumps mind). Can't wait to try this with shoes to get extra bouncy and to try out the kneeling series again. Get to the mat. You won't regret it. Thanks M/B.

Mar 01 at 09:53 AM

Try this class and, per usual, please read the comments by Lindsey and Monique below. They always nail the specifics. I particularly liked my shout out today because I was tensing my face at that exact moment and I laughed and cried remembering my special place for my glasses! Marnie you are a goddess walking among us and you brought all of us together and I'm so happy right now.

Commented on M/<30 CHAIR DANCE /176

Feb 27 at 02:14 PM

Please try this class - it is so yummy. And always remember we are beautiful shiny creatures just like the sun.