Rochelle KaplanRudolph

Apr 19 at 08:38 AM

Loved it. Perfect quick go to and I shared it with some friends.

Commented on Change of Goals!

Apr 19 at 08:37 AM

Becca I LOVE THIS GOAL. Slowing down is sometimes harder for me too. Especially when you seem to want to workout even harder your body says. No. And the listening to what you need is more important than trying to push through and neglect your body. So proud of you girl.

Commented on New Rhythm

Apr 19 at 08:33 AM

Kelsey so proud of you. Thank you for making this post.

Apr 19 at 08:32 AM

Welcome back. Glad you are on the mend.


Apr 19 at 08:32 AM

You’ll I am going to get real personal. I would tell my younger self you will be okay. You can be happy and find someone to love and have kids and dogs and a family. Because when I was young I knew I was different. I did not have the exact words. But I was “gay” and wanted to be in a same sex relationship. But I always worried if I came out to my family they would not be supportive. I was right. They were not. But I built a life full of so much love and support. I found my person. I married her first under Jewish law then eventually legally. I had fertility issues and was not able to have kids on my own but my wife had these two amazing kiddos and I was lucky enough to legally adopt them. And I would just tell my younger self it will be okay. You will have the love and support. And I want to thank this community for giving me the unconditional love to share this personal story. Love you all. Thank you Marnie Danni and team for creating this global fam.


Commented on M/<20 ARM DANCE /140

Apr 18 at 02:56 AM

This one is so good. It gets your upper body it is quick and gets in a sweat. I did it low impact and was still feeling a sweat. I recommend it for a change of pace and for those wanting to focus on the upper body

Apr 12 at 03:14 AM

Revisiting this class was so good. Great hip stretches. I highly recommend this one for tight hips for those that sit for long periods of the day.

Apr 11 at 06:38 PM

So all I could think of during this class is “We Can Do Hard Things”. But not so much this first round. Or the second. Third time is a charm.

Apr 07 at 02:00 AM

I loved this workout. The music was so rad and the moves make it feel like you are dancing and playing and not working out.


Apr 06 at 06:29 PM

Y’all my boy made it home safe from Greece.