Rochelle KaplanRudolph

Apr 07 at 02:00 AM

I loved this workout. The music was so rad and the moves make it feel like you are dancing and playing and not working out.

Commented on Celebrating!

Apr 06 at 06:27 PM

Congrats Tracey. Amazing girl.

Apr 06 at 06:27 PM

Ha. I fell over so many times and was like WTF. Even my pups were watching me swear. ๐Ÿคฃ

Apr 02 at 11:12 AM

Love this. Claudia all of your posts show so much beauty. Food nature. You and your family. Sending love.

Commented on Superpower

Mar 30 at 10:55 AM

Yes. So many women ignore this. So proud of you.

Mar 29 at 12:46 PM

Sending you so much love.

Mar 29 at 12:45 PM

Love Tater Tot

Commented on Flowers

Mar 29 at 12:45 PM

Love these.

Mar 29 at 12:44 PM

Thank you.

Commented on Letting go of worries

Mar 29 at 12:43 PM

Love you Claudia I try to see a stop sign when my thoughts go to worry and try to find the joy.