Marnie Alton


Jan 25 at 05:10 PM

How is everyone doing?! How is your week going?!


Commented on Marvelous Monday!

Jan 18 at 02:49 PM

Love this quote! Thank you for sharing!

Commented on Workout Chaos

Jan 18 at 02:18 PM

Mama Megan!! We love you!


Jan 14 at 09:47 AM

Hi Fam! We'd love to hear from you on what length of classes work best for you and your schedule? Also, what type of classes are you wanting to see more of on the platform? 



Jan 11 at 02:15 PM

We want to feature you! Pls email us a pic of you and these questions filled out! Xo!!!

Where are you from?

How long have you been doing M/BODY?

What’s your go-to Marnie Mantra?

What do you M/BODY (embody)?

What’s your fav video? Feel free to tell us why if you want!

What’s your super power?

What’s your fav wellness snack?

What show are you currently loving?

Can’t wait to see you Jennyg!!!!!

Jan 06 at 07:54 AM

Omg Fanni you look so cute!!!

Commented on Amazing ~

Jan 05 at 08:49 AM

Obsessed with this!

Commented on Slowly Getting Back

Jan 05 at 08:49 AM

Love that you’re listening to your body and doing what she needs!
This so so beautiful! Love this 🥰