Caroline S

Santa Fe, NM, United States


Jul 30 at 11:16 AM

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting on our community board, which is scary and delightful all at once! I have been doing m/body for a while now—-very shyly observing how much this community loves on and interacts with Marnie and with each other. So now I’m joining in!!
At the moment, I’m trying to find the class where, during end of class chat, Marnie talks about loving on the part of your body you usually don’t/what physically happens to that body part when you don’t give it kindness and attention. Anyone remember that off the top of their head? Thank you ahead of time! And thank you for having me!


Jul 30 at 11:12 AM

HELL yes! Let my inner high school girl shine!


Jul 29 at 04:23 PM

I found this one REALLY challenging, partly because of exactly what Marnie was talking about. My brain wanted to get it right the first time! It didn't want to feel challenged with all these fun new moves. When I could remind myself to approach the work with joy and curiosity, it got so much better. Thank you for continuing to help us leap, Marnie!


Jul 14 at 02:43 PM

More Charli!!


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /390

Jul 14 at 02:43 PM

Okay, playlist!!! The last few classes have been an absolute jammmm. This was a really fun one. Much like last class, the moves were so creative and new that I didn't even notice how much I was sweating! Big fan of the side lunge to curtsy lunges from this class and last. Also omgTwiggyhiiiiiiii!!


Commented on M/<20 AB SCULPT /388

Jul 07 at 02:22 PM

Hoo boy! That section Jenny mentioned below is one I'll be working on getting through without breaks! Love and resist any opportunity to sit with my belly and tell her I love her. I've done the opposite most of my life, and Marnie reminds me to start with gratitude!


Jul 02 at 04:57 PM

Monique S And happy birthday to you, two days ago!! Hooray!


Jul 02 at 04:52 PM

This was really fun and challenging! I simultaneously felt like I was back in ballet class and also a kid seeing what fun shapes I could make with my body. And cheers to growing up, everyone!!


Jun 26 at 04:10 PM

Today is my birthday, and the meditation at the end was so special and meaningful to me. As is this work and its contribution to my joy and celebration. M/Body has been part of healing my relationship with my body and learning to love myself. Recovery through empowerment is a phrase I'm taking into my next trip around the sun. Thank you so much!