Dre Reilly

Dec 23 at 01:55 PM

THIS WAS SO FUN! I can't wait to repeat it on xmas eve and xmas day!


Oct 11 at 10:09 AM

Hi everyone! My name is Dre and I used to go to Marnie's studio in LA back in the day, and it was my HAPPY place! Two babies and a crazy work-from-home job made it very challenging for me to keep a consistent workout. Now, in my final two months of maternity leave, I am excited to really get back into it and BE in a rhythm to workout when I return to work in Jan (assuming this means M/Body at 5am!). I have been back at M/Body for 2 weeks and I am LOVING it!!! Just wanted to see if anyone has any tips to stay consistent, as I would really like to do classes 7 days a week, with two days being short classes. Do you go through and add them to your calendar in advance? How do you pick which classes to take daily? Do you choose a different style class for a certain day of the week? Open to any tips, as it seems like this community is STRONG and CONSISTENT! Happy to be part of it! Xo, Dreย 


Sep 30 at 11:06 AM

SUCH an amazing full body workout! Just getting back into working out after I had a baby and this call made me feel SO strong yet it felt SO safe. Super excited to play this one again and again!

Sep 30 at 03:32 AM

Wow amazing!!!
