Dre Reilly


Oct 11 at 10:09 AM

Hi everyone! My name is Dre and I used to go to Marnie's studio in LA back in the day, and it was my HAPPY place! Two babies and a crazy work-from-home job made it very challenging for me to keep a consistent workout. Now, in my final two months of maternity leave, I am excited to really get back into it and BE in a rhythm to workout when I return to work in Jan (assuming this means M/Body at 5am!). I have been back at M/Body for 2 weeks and I am LOVING it!!! Just wanted to see if anyone has any tips to stay consistent, as I would really like to do classes 7 days a week, with two days being short classes. Do you go through and add them to your calendar in advance? How do you pick which classes to take daily? Do you choose a different style class for a certain day of the week? Open to any tips, as it seems like this community is STRONG and CONSISTENT! Happy to be part of it! Xo, Dreย