Alyssa Klein

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Jul 04 at 03:38 PM

This powerful, connective class still hits. Even a year after and especially with everything still going on in America. An essential Signature. Thank you M/BODY fam.


Jun 27 at 10:56 AM

So my goal for the week is simple, but a hard one for me- and thatโ€™s prioritizing sleep! My goal is to journal and get in bed by 10pm for at least 5 out of the next 7 days. Phone in the other room. Pink noise on. Hoping this will help in several areas of my life ๐Ÿ˜‚

And a moment of gratitude and joy: the first 10 days of this challenge have been like a body mind reset for me. Like every day is taking me back to principle I thought I mastered, and showing me I can trust my body even more and lean more into intention. Ex: pulling energy from the earth in wide second and just feeeeeeling it all the way up my body, or pushing the earth away in planks and discovering a new feeling of support through my arms and back. Iโ€™m just blown away, and so so happy.



Jun 19 at 01:02 PM

Hey challengers! This came at the perfect time. I had an emergency appendectomy about a month ago, and Iโ€™m working to be more intentional about rebuilding my physical and mental well-being. So Iโ€™m committing to 60 days, and allowing myself to choose active recovery with stretch/ flows/ a good walk when I need it. ๐Ÿฅฐ

Here are my goals!

  1. Complete 4 sets of 8 during the plank and core series, choosing modifications that make me feel the most connected to my body and the moment. (*My inner monologue tends to take over and tell myself โ€œI cannot,โ€ but Iโ€™ve grown confident in my toolbox and my ability to tune in to where my body is at and what it can do today.)

  2. Focus on my breath work, especially into my pelvic floor, and allow my hips to loosen up. My hips could use some extra love and release.

  3. Read 10 pages of a self- improvement or drama therapy book everyday. ๐Ÿ“–

Thanks for everyone sharing their goals! Theyโ€™ve been so inspiring to take in ๐Ÿ’—


Commented on Summer Challenge Goals

Jun 19 at 12:29 PM

Yes the sensitive knees!! I hear that! You got this ๐Ÿ’—

Commented on summer challenge

Jun 19 at 12:20 PM

It can be such a challenge to put oneself first, so I hear you! Youโ€™re worth it! Love this goal.

Commented on Hi fam, goals for me

Jun 19 at 12:18 PM

This is so beautiful, vulnerable, and inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

May 17 at 11:22 AM

Did the posture perfect session after this one and feel really awakened in my shoulders and back ๐Ÿ’—