Alyssa Klein

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Oct 21 at 02:24 PM

Deal. I’ll be there. Congrats Molly!

Oct 04 at 04:54 PM

This class is magic. Woke up with a terribly stiff neck and shoulders. Did this once in the morning and once in be afternoon. Total relief by the evening. Just took everything really slowly and focused on power in my core to support my neck and shoulders. Thanks Marnie!

Oct 02 at 07:51 PM

This is a great class for being reminded of some foundations. Marnie's always good at cue-ing us and reminding us where we should be feeling it. But something about her direction in this class makes this one a truly deep, sensational 45 minutes.


Sep 26 at 05:30 PM


Sep 06 at 10:19 AM

Balancing the time and energy I devote to loved ones and the time and energy I need for myself. I have this quirky thing I’ll do where I’ll put my workouts off til after I’m done taking care of the house, finishing up work/ admin things for myself and my partner, other side hustles, etc until it’s the last hour of the day, and I’m wondering “how’d that happen.” There is a balance to be found and I know it’s an ever-changing scale.

Sep 06 at 10:10 AM

🙌 I hear this!

Commented on Rotator cuff down

Sep 06 at 10:08 AM

Sending love and healing Leslie 💗 I’m sure you’re hearing it from everyone and I know it’s frustrating, but rest much as possible. Every body is different, but I’ve found that to be the quickest way to healing. You *will* get your strength and mobility back. Give yourself and your body what it needs right now.

Commented on Mood workouts

Aug 28 at 02:02 PM

1. Rise up/ 197 or hip hop sweat /167

2. Gratitude meditation or any of the “focus” videos. Sometimes making it to the mat is a challenge, so making 20 or 30 minutes for myself always makes me feel better.

3. Any of the pride signatures or sweats!

4. Letting go mediation or any of the “stretch” videos. Typically if I’m in this state I choose low impact options and slow down the tempo to focus on my breath, feel every inch of my body, and be ✨kind✨ to myself to activate my parasympathetic nervous system.

5. The Barbie signature is a newer fav and definitely brings the energy!


Jul 12 at 08:55 PM

Playing at this one as if I was an absolute rockstar who could do ANYTHING I set my mind to helped me get up and go at it each 4 set of 8 (even I chose a mod), and then feeling emotional for accomplishing what I set out to do... and then actual tears for everything the M/body family really is. Here's to the next 300 <3

Jul 10 at 09:29 PM

The FIRE on this one. A true sweat and true testament to staying connected to your body throughout. "Last 8 Alyssa" during that plank series was just what I needed to get through on the replay in this summer heat.