
Ottawa, Canada

Sep 23 at 02:09 PM

30 is easiest to fit into my schedule but I have to say the signature 60 really differentiates M/Body from other platforms in my opinion


Commented on M/<20 BARRE BURN /318

Sep 22 at 04:17 AM

Loved the lymphatic massage at the end and introducing other wellness ideas we might not know about. Maybe one day we could do the meditation with our legs up the wall (or barre) as I try to do that daily anyway!


Commented on Outside m/body

Sep 15 at 03:06 PM

You inspired me to do this one today! Needed to get out of my head and just sweat.


Sep 13 at 12:19 PM

Can anyone confirm if the glitches (freezing/lagging) from the last few lives are fixed? Iโ€™ve been skipping lives to watch replays instead but would love to come back to the lives :)


Jul 14 at 02:47 PM

One of the more chill and low impact m/60s. LOVED the PSOAS stretch at the end! <3

Jul 09 at 10:57 AM

This one has one of my all-time fav ab finishers

Jul 01 at 10:01 AM

Such a gentle yet empowering sweat. Added to favs!

Commented on M/<20 ABS SCULPT /249

Jan 16 at 02:56 PM

Loved the use of the ball in this one to relieve the shoulders! Highly recommended core strengthener for lower energy days or if you are on your period.

Jan 14 at 10:54 AM

30 minutes is perfect. Would love more dance and low impact cardio, also recovery sessions that are more still than flowy

Jul 09 at 03:21 PM

Ballet workouts with sneaky cardio are my favourite. Love that you have to turn your brain off and just focus on the sequence!