Carly Beckerman

Replied on I require opinions!

Sep 01 at 11:16 PM

Same! On one side it’s just bone grinding into floor, even on a thick squishy mat. I think I might put this move in the ‘my body has some quirks’ category rather than the ‘it’s a challenge to master’ category.


Replied on I require opinions!

Sep 01 at 11:13 PM

Thanks, I’ll keep trying. The move used to come up a lot in my mum’s 80s workout videos and it never clicked for me. I can’t help but wonder if there’s an underlying body shape issue and it might always need modifications for some of us.

Replied on I require opinions!

Aug 31 at 08:59 AM

Thank you!


Aug 31 at 02:53 AM

Hello lovely people. I just did Floor Flow 312 and found it super frustrating because I can’t hold that Jane Fonda style inner thigh move on your side with the bottom leg straight and off the floor, and the top one bent, sole on the floor. My front leg won’t stay up, even if I hold onto it. I do hip mobility and stretches A LOT, but is there a modification? I can’t get lost in the workout if I can’t even get into the position. Sad now, didn’t get my fix.


Jul 26 at 01:03 AM

For fellow knee sufferers, this is a lovely workout but it's not 100% standing - you're going to need your thick squishy mat.

Feb 24 at 05:57 AM

Glad I’m not the only one 😊


Feb 23 at 06:15 AM

Anyone else feel like they’d really benefit from a ‘notes to self’ section with each workout so we can leave instructions for our future selves? I always forget things like which workouts I can do in my kitchen (with counter top barre) and which need the living room mirror because I know my posture’s off - stuff that’s only for me. If I could make a note of it, I wouldn’t end up doing silly things like donkey kicking the trash can because I’d know for a particular workout I need lots of room or whatever. Just a thought.


Feb 23 at 06:04 AM

I love the variety available so there’s always something to fit the day. I’d love more XXX ones though please!

Nov 11 at 09:47 AM

For me it’s not the sugar in candy so much as the citric acid - it’s a grown yeast, not fruit juice. I feel hungover after.

Commented on Suggestions please!

Oct 28 at 12:31 AM

Thank you so much everyone, this is all incredibly helpful. Doing a recovery flow or the 20-minute ones (with lots of modifications) is giving me just enough heat to ease my breathing without it being too much. Already feeling the difference 🥳