Carly Beckerman


Aug 31 at 02:53 AM

Hello lovely people. I just did Floor Flow 312 and found it super frustrating because I can’t hold that Jane Fonda style inner thigh move on your side with the bottom leg straight and off the floor, and the top one bent, sole on the floor. My front leg won’t stay up, even if I hold onto it. I do hip mobility and stretches A LOT, but is there a modification? I can’t get lost in the workout if I can’t even get into the position. Sad now, didn’t get my fix.



Feb 23 at 06:15 AM

Anyone else feel like they’d really benefit from a ‘notes to self’ section with each workout so we can leave instructions for our future selves? I always forget things like which workouts I can do in my kitchen (with counter top barre) and which need the living room mirror because I know my posture’s off - stuff that’s only for me. If I could make a note of it, I wouldn’t end up doing silly things like donkey kicking the trash can because I’d know for a particular workout I need lots of room or whatever. Just a thought.



Oct 23 at 04:29 AM

Hello everyone - I’ve been out for the count with glandular fever and bronchitis and now I’m ok but weak as a kitten. Does anyone have any workout suggestions for easing back into things very gently?



Jul 23 at 01:54 AM

Me: Wobbling, panting, dripping, drooling…

Marnie: Only 17 more sets of 8…



May 21 at 07:08 AM

Anyone else dissolve into hysterical giggles and flail around on the floor like an upturned tortoise whenever Marine does an ab move that defies the laws of physics? Or just me?