Megan Stock


Mar 28 at 03:56 PM

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I took 20 minutes and tackled my husbands dresser top. It ends up being a catch all cause it’s high up so we put anything we want out of reach from the kiddos up there and then the top disappears lol. It felt so good to clean it off.


Mar 26 at 07:23 PM

Yes! I feel you ❤️

Commented on Letting go of worries

Mar 26 at 07:23 PM

Yes! I feel you.

Commented on HBD M/BODY!

Mar 26 at 07:22 PM

So much love for this and you lovely ladies ❤️

Commented on Let it Go!

Mar 26 at 01:25 PM

I feel you!


Mar 26 at 11:16 AM

It is so reassuring to read everyone’s messages and hear a similar thread. It helps to know we are not alone in this journey. I have been working to let go of worry. The pandemic created some bad habits for me mentally and hanging onto worry and toxic thoughts. So I am working hard to master my own mind and “stay in the light” sending love to you all who struggle with this too.


Replied on Floor Abs 🔥

Mar 25 at 07:21 AM

Thank you!

Replied on Floor Abs 🔥

Mar 25 at 07:21 AM


Commented on Days 1-20 ✅

Mar 25 at 07:20 AM

Nice work 🎉🎉🎉

Commented on First Time!!

Mar 25 at 07:20 AM

Nice work 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️