Megan Stock


Aug 23 at 07:19 AM

Be in the light ✨
I’ve been hitting the mat first thing in the morning and it has been amazing! Hard to roll out of bed but always worth it! Here’s a little pic my other daughter caught ❤️



May 15 at 10:11 AM

Happy belated Mother’s Day 💕

Mother’s Day is a special time for me each year (not just cause I’m a mama of 3 lovely girls) it is also the time I joined M/Body 3 years ago 🎉
It helps me reflect on all I have accomplished during my journey, M/Body helped me get my body back in shape after 2 babies, helped me recover from abdominal surgery this last fall and not to mention helped me recover emotionally after struggling with postpartum anxiety and post covid anxiety all bubdled together as we got pregnant April 2020. So cheers to life and putting in the work to make each day the best one yet! Thank you Marnie and M/Body community! Xoxo



Mar 30 at 07:11 AM

Happy Anniversary 💕💕💕

“Be in the light” sending you all the vibes today! Missing the live classes so much, did an early morning workout today and will be thinking of you all day! Xoxo



Feb 27 at 10:57 AM

To do dishes or workout…..?

WORKOUT!! It has been a challenge to get to the mat lately, post surgery got me out of my flow and adding in a new work schedule, kids activities and of course colds mixed in there. I truly miss the live classes but my current schedule doesn’t allow me to make it to them. I’m thinking of starting to do my workouts at 5am…. Anyone else a morning person? I need some words of encouragement lol I just love my sleep.



Dec 16 at 01:48 PM

Happy Holidays to my M/Body Fam ❤️ I’ve been missing my workouts so much! I’m 3 weeks post-op and everything went great, still recovering and I look forward to jumping back in the second week of the New Year and kicking off 2024 strong!! Enjoy your holiday season and loved ones!



Nov 15 at 09:14 PM

I’ll be missing my workouts for the next 6 weeks…… I’m having hernia reconstruction surgery (thanks to having 3 little ones in a 5 year period 😬). I’m nervous for sure but know I will be thankful to have my hernia fixed. Xoxo!



Oct 12 at 02:03 PM

I celebrated my 40th year yesterday and can’t believe it! Age is truly just a number, I feel stronger and healthier then I did in my twenties! So thank you M/Body for the fun and encouraging workouts! Also shout out to our amazing community! I feel connected to so many of you and am grateful for this family! Xoxo!



Sep 11 at 11:04 AM

Balance has been off with my workout life and my home projects, my hubby and I have been busy around the yard on the weekends. So it was amazing to get back to the mat this morning ✨



Aug 18 at 12:46 PM

Cheers to the weekend! I don’t know who needs to hear this but you’re loved and amazing! Celebrate everyday like it’s your birthday 🎉



Aug 11 at 09:28 PM

Some tummy time for baby Goldie and some Marnie time for mama! We’ve had the in-laws visiting all week from NY so I’m just getting back into the swing again!