Megan Stock

Mar 12 at 04:03 PM


Commented on Where are you from?

Mar 11 at 07:47 PM

Love this! Iโ€™m from Northern California and lived in NY for a few years for work and miss the snow! I know only a person from CA would say that LOL

Mar 11 at 03:53 PM

Weโ€™re gonna need some Brittany!

Mar 11 at 11:15 AM

You rock โœจโœจโœจ I feel the same way!

Commented on Sweat sesh!

Mar 11 at 11:00 AM


Commented on My Goal

Mar 11 at 11:00 AM


Commented on Day 6 Part 2

Mar 11 at 11:00 AM

Nice work!

Mar 09 at 07:45 PM

So much yes!!!! Keep rocking it โค๏ธ