
Jan 14 at 05:35 AM

This class felt SO good during it, and challenging at many times. The superwoman move on the mat with the ball under forehead and hand weights was out of control! I felt incredibly strong after class especially in my postural muscles, and the morning after I am FEELING it everywhere. I used my trusty 3 lb. weights (holding both in one hand at the barre), but can I get a welfare check on my girls who used 5 lb. weights?? 😮‍💨💪💖


Dec 31 at 10:37 AM

All standing barre class (only down on the mat for the final wide straddle stretch and meditation). Zero impact class, no bounce or jumps, but serious leg work that stretches from toes up through postural core muscles. My legs were shaking, my hips were loosening and feeling so warmed up, and that balletic flow feels so beautiful even if I'm catching the choreography. Use of breath is so powerful for staying in the fire and for the leg lifts. Progress and not perfection always. Will return to this class when I need that balletic flow with ease of pulses instead of jumps (great class for headaches or sinus pressure when you need movement but bouncing and inversions do not feel good).

Dec 29 at 07:57 AM

Echoing Miranda that you need space for kicks (space encircling you, front/back/sides) and echoing Megan about this class getting you out of your thoughts - the choreography required all of my attention and there was no room for ruminations in class. I appreciate how Marnie keeps it real and allows us to see that sometimes these longer choreography series can even cause the pro to take a moment to get the series in the order she originally created. This was not jumpy but it was very cardio activating, heart-rate increasing, and sweaty. Another great one to step into when you are low on time and are ready to build some energy or release some energy.


Dec 28 at 02:13 PM

Fun and joyful signature, with some bounce options and some serious leg and glute barre work, as well as an abs finale that invites all of those deep, strong exhales. I was cheering you all on during the Live and was able to get to this workout today. Thankful for this platform, these classes, this view of approaching health and movement, how it makes my body feel, and the connection to it all. Happy almost birthday, Marnie! Happy New Year sweet #mbodyglobalfam!

Commented on M/<30 ARMS + ABS /338

Dec 26 at 12:29 PM

Warming, wiggly, no impact, lots of arms up with definite core activation throughout class. The no impact was great for healing from illness when bouncy cardio is not yet accessible.


Dec 23 at 04:49 PM

This was a great class for returning to the mat after being sick and fatigued. This was very calming and nourishing; absolutely perfect at nighttime by some candle light as well. Thank you for including this in the class catalog for when this is exactly what is needed.

Dec 11 at 05:22 AM

Such a fabulous M/ovement ball class, that is primarily low impact but sweaty, burny, and so much fun! The choreography connects well and the messages of stillness (theme of the month) make this class one of a lot of release (sweating it out as well as being present and letting go).

Commented on M/<30 BOOTY + ABS /332

Dec 10 at 09:44 AM

This was a low-impact, fueled-by-the-fire burn 30-minute workout (video is longer as Marnie helps explain and break down some of the concepts of class at the end). This actually felt like a flow class. The booty, hips, and core are targeted, but the integrated flow of choreography worked them in motion, rather than segmented. Standing and floor/mat work. Agreed it was challenging to sustain but also felt so good during (with a few exhale "woo!" and choice word or two sprinkled in from me).

Dec 03 at 04:21 AM

Forgive yesterday’s version of me, she didn’t know, that next-day-me would be feeling that BODY BURN!! My legs, glutes, triceps, back…. The day after this class is 🔥 in all the ways!


Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /331

Dec 02 at 12:13 PM

This Signature class was uplifting, beautiful, challenging at times, and so connecting to my own body and breath throughout. My “favorites” list continues to grow….