
Replied on Days 1-20 ✅

Mar 26 at 06:13 AM

Thank you!

Mar 26 at 06:12 AM

I am with you- sometimes I need the lower impact options and I am shifting the perspective of its another choice or “different” as Marnie says, not better or worse. Listening to your body is probably what has kept you going so consistently without injury- THAT is a huge accomplishment!

Mar 25 at 02:55 PM

Let’s get it!! Cheering you on from here 🙌

Mar 25 at 02:40 PM

Haha agreed!

Commented on M/<30 STRETCH FLOW

Mar 25 at 06:49 AM

This flow abs stretch felt wonderful- it would be good for a morning workout OR an evening workout, since it’s not as energizing as some of the more intensive cardio sessions and therefore wouldn’t interfere w/ falling asleep.

Mar 24 at 02:10 PM

Lol sorry! (Shakalaka shakala…)

Commented on M/<45 HIPS + SEAT /61

Mar 24 at 07:04 AM

This was a beautiful class; everything feels stretched but for sure a big hip opener. Loved it!

Mar 24 at 04:12 AM

Oh no! This is much better for a morning or daytime shower as it is wakes you up. To get through it for me, it’s focusing on calming my breath to breathe through it. But anytime I wash my hair, I do a cold rinse at the end of shower to make my hair shiny (wisdom from my grandmother). I have a pretty flexible back bend as a result of her hair advice to keep the cold focused on my hair and not body so I can handle that a few times a week!

Mar 23 at 05:35 AM

Good luck! 🤞🤞

Mar 22 at 06:28 PM

Hi Beáta! What a cool idea, thank you for setting that up. I hope to join for a bit even though I’ll need to log off early since I sneak it the Live during work. Not sure what the turnout can be on a Wednesday, but I bet the interest is way higher. This would be fun on a Saturday class at some point too!