
Commented on Superpowers

Mar 29 at 01:09 PM

Knowing when to ask for help, or support, is a whole superpower in itself. 👏

Replied on HBD M/BODY!

Mar 29 at 11:27 AM

Ahhh ok! I thought I saw a comment on the anniversary live, but I may have misunderstood. A few weeks until the M/Body Anniversary is soon though! And yay for June birthdays (I’m June 29th) 🥳

Replied on Day 24 - clutter

Mar 29 at 11:25 AM

Smart idea w/ a portfolio under their bed! I have two boxes so far in a closet, and yes my hope is to make “art books” from the photos. It’s on that everlong to-do list. 😜

Mar 29 at 09:25 AM

This is incredible!! Way to go!

Commented on HBD M/BODY!

Mar 29 at 03:58 AM

Beáta you mentioned your M/Body anniversary (or your birthday) maybe is coming up?? What are you celebrating this week- I don’t want to miss acknowledging it!

Commented on Decluttering ✨

Mar 29 at 03:55 AM

Looks so good! I bet the whole room feels different.

Commented on Day 24 - clutter

Mar 29 at 03:48 AM

😍 “I Dissent” is a good one! Figuring out what to pass on and what to hold onto can be so tricky when emotions are involved (a child growing up, an older loved one who has died, etc.) I decluttered art work that was stacked on a table and cannot trash/recycle anything until I’ve at least taken a picture of every single one.

Mar 28 at 07:36 PM

This was a powerful quickie! I doubled up today, so I found myself jumping less by this (second) workout, but I still felt the elevated heart rate and strong stretch.

Mar 28 at 07:11 PM

Loved the ongoing messages of strength and perseverance throughout the workout. 🖤

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /17

Mar 27 at 02:17 PM

I had such limited energy and motivation today, but knowing I’m sticking with the challenge helped me get this started, and I was feeling better and better as it progressed! Thank you!