
Commented on So much love

Apr 02 at 11:31 AM

Aww, Emily that’s so special! The pic you posted to match above is adorable.

Commented on Sharing beauty🌸

Apr 02 at 11:29 AM

Gorgeous Claudia!

Apr 02 at 11:29 AM

Wise child!

Commented on Morning walk

Apr 02 at 11:29 AM

Beautiful words to match a beautiful walk 🖤

Apr 01 at 04:10 PM

I love the experience, but I don’t always like finding the time to fit it in… especially when sometimes my workout time is at night (after kiddo bedtime or after a late shift)

Commented on So sore 🙌

Apr 01 at 09:53 AM

Yesss that class worked E V E R Y T H I N G and it felt so good!! 💃👯‍♀️

Apr 01 at 08:24 AM

This was a great floor series with an array of modifications. Definitely low impact but still challenging. Thank you!

Mar 31 at 07:27 PM

100% agree! In addition to sleep and staying hydrated, it’s probably the best thing for a body that’s been traveling and a mind that has dealt with those stressors and any time zone changes. Get it girl!

Replied on Stolen Mat

Mar 31 at 05:45 PM


Mar 31 at 04:04 PM
