
Apr 24 at 05:49 PM

When it’s emotional, thank yourself for being so in touch with that part of you, and tell yourself you’re ready to explore the balanced approach of now actively moving your thoughts to that logical side. We greet ourselves with curiosity and love rather than put-downs for not being better at all of it yet. Sending you love on your journey! And I am proud you showed up and stuck with the workout, even if it wasn’t making the list of top 10 workouts you’ve crushed this month. You are so much more than your output.

Apr 24 at 05:49 PM

Consider tapping into logic more by being curious and seeking data that is grounded in fact (when I experienced success in workouts, was I more hydrated? Less tired? More physically rested? More focused/present?). Please practice the compassion part and give credit for still showing up and sticking it out. Remember our “100% effort” does NOT always look the same. And for work, celebrate the wins and practice catching yourself when the “what ifs” and “what next” sets in. Those are fear based and not helping you concretely evaluate to see how and why you were successful (to make it more likely to experience success again).

Apr 24 at 05:48 PM

Remember our initial thoughts/ reactions may be old habits and not indicative of us failing to make progress and change. To be aware that my initial reaction is X, but I don’t linger there and feed that reaction; instead I counter it with a more realistic thought (maybe with your examples: something that acknowledges this workout was hard and I had more energy/better form/whatever another time this week/ month is fair. That it is frustrating to experience these ebbs and flows, yet zooming out you can assess your overall progress and know your commitment to health isn’t just one day or week of workouts.

Apr 24 at 05:47 PM

I really appreciate what you posted, and the responses below. Some thoughts about your question are: as imperfect and perfectly worthy human beings, it’s a good start to check our expectations are realistic and compassionate. Expecting to have all sides of ourselves perfectly cultivated and balanced feeds into our false belief that we aren’t reaching something attainable. Yet being able to build upon our skill set and strive for more balanced thinking is excellent and a realistic process.

Apr 24 at 05:46 PM

Ugh I cannot be brief in my response to you, Amanda! If you have a few mins, please read this multi-post essay.

Apr 24 at 07:39 AM

Thanks Lindsey! 💙😂🥸🤷‍♀️

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /52

Apr 24 at 04:03 AM

This all-standing class really worked my lower half! I will continue to come back to it to progress on straight leg stretches and see if I can do the one-leg balance work the whole way through without dropping to 2 feet for a quick second. Progress not perfection.

Replied on Barre opinions

Apr 23 at 04:38 PM

Heeeey fellow tall girl! I bought it used off of FB Marketplace, but apparently it is Barre Trainer brand, portable double freestanding 4 foot ballet barre, 29” base. Extremely lightweight and easy to adjust.

Apr 23 at 04:33 PM

*Yes, so many distractions, but your message about it is beautiful! And whenever Marnie’s meditations echo that, I feel it in my soul.

Apr 23 at 04:31 PM

Yes! So many distractions, but