
May 13 at 01:26 PM

Did this class today (in May) as I needed something joyful and playful. I am here to say it met all those requirements, and sweat, and was challenging but doable. Def try this class if you haven’t already! It’s added to my favs.

May 12 at 11:00 AM

This was a joyful class and what I was looking for to shake off a mood. No equipment, full body, mix of standing and on the floor. Challenging but doable. I hadn’t done the grapevine step before and I did have to drop for a sec during some of the plank positions but that’s ok, the 30-second rewind was my friend.

Replied on Hi fam

May 11 at 06:01 PM

I’d be interested to see what you discover works best at different times. All of the hip openers tend to also stretch my lower back, which I need (I now have lower back pain every cycle since birthing my son and going through back labor as he was sideways- I don’t know if it’s phantom pains but I feel it every cycle since then). In the Spring Challenge my PMS symptoms were all the same except I usually get a pimple and I didn’t notice that this most recent time. I wonder if it was good luck or if the daily workouts were helping to stabilize hormones more. Let us know what you discover helps you!

Replied on Hi fam

May 11 at 02:58 PM

I agree w/ Emily- Healing Hips /121 It’s a gentle stretching that is a nice break from the fetal position of enduring cramps. Hope you feel better! I try to drink extra water (dehydration makes cramping of any kind worse) and I take ibuprofen to help offset the pain, but I understand many people try to limit over-the-counter medication and I respect that.

Commented on Late Challenge Update

May 11 at 03:54 AM

Congratulations on reaching your challenge goals AND especially on doing what you can to have a healthy, strong pregnancy. Third trimester is no joke! There’s so much to celebrate 🎉👏💪🤰

May 10 at 03:59 AM

I’m sure someone here would have some good ideas! I think the M/BODY Facebook group had a sports bra discussion? Maybe under Dani’s video where the sweet thing had to hold her boobs is where I saw some suggestions. I’m guessing very thick straps and a thick band so there is more material to support. I cannot offer any personal life experience on that blessing/curse, but good luck in your search!

Commented on Mixing things up

May 10 at 03:55 AM

I don’t have Bala weights (just barbells) but I am energetically with you as far as trying to add some challenge this week. I’m going back to some difficult classes and trying them again.

May 09 at 06:38 PM

Came back to this for a second time… still had to drop down and pop back up 2-3 times, but it’s cool to return to a challenging class to continue facing uncomfortableness or simply the challenge of it. And if you’re going to take on planks and push-ups, remember you can do anything for just 20 minutes! Class seemed even faster the second time around.

May 08 at 06:43 PM

Beautifully said! Clink of the forks to anyone who also ate dessert over the kitchen counter so you didn’t have to share.

Commented on M<60 SIGNATURE /186

May 08 at 09:27 AM

Don’t be afraid of a 60-min class! I promise you it moves and flows; Marnie’s choreography and playlist will carry you through. Fabulous class and so excited to continue cheering on the Fam even after our recent Spring Challenge is finished!