
May 20 at 07:46 PM

** I was less sore after the second time (compared to feeling it for a few days after doing this class live)

Replied on M/<60 SIGNATURE /78

May 20 at 07:38 PM


May 20 at 08:06 AM

I always love a badass ballerina class that brings graceful movements to a sometimes clumsy body! This is VERY low to no impact, all standing, with a burn in the legs and a focus on postural alignment of trunk. I am always so amazed at Marnie's choreography creations - the earlier moves warm up the muscles for the middle of class, and then the ending of class gives that release and stretch to the muscles that felt the fire earlier. Those ending leg stretches made my burning quads feel like they were remembered and honored for the work they just did for me.

Commented on M/<45 ABS + BOOTY /141

May 19 at 08:06 AM

The choreography provided such a deep fire in the glutes, hips and abs! I kept Marnie’s words from other classes about “being fueled by the fire not consumed by it.” I love work on all fours and yet I had to tell myself to keep going as the challenge was real! I am favoriting this and will be back to it. How do we get such an increased heart rate and sweat and burn with minimal jumping and no weights?? *Marnie Magic*

May 19 at 06:31 AM


May 18 at 05:49 PM

So my husband is actually ok with re-scheduling our anniversary plans so I can make this happen!!! I cannot believe I’m going to see some of you in person!! Ahhh! 😍😍😍

May 18 at 09:44 AM

Great suggestions on authors and podcasts! Yes these are definitely part of my arsenal to continue shifting my thoughts and practice what I preach. It’s enlightening and validating.

May 18 at 06:25 AM

(2/2) So we all can fall prey to that comparison/lacking/not enough BS. If you have the time/energy, consider exploring where those opinions originated from. What we hear growing up becomes our framework, but that’s not always accurate or serving. A critical caregiver? Preferences of someone we liked but crush was not mutual? Glossy magazines? Feeling bad about things we cannot change does nothing for us, so minding the energy expense without receiving may help motivate the practice of shifting. Embracing what your body can do for you; my broad shoulders can carry things. My small boobs still fed my baby. It’s functional.repeatedly practice positive self-talk as corny as that is until it becomes something you can own. And find your village of loving support- like this beautiful global fam that appreciates you’re here and sharing something vulnerable. We can chat more anytime if that feels good for you. 🖤

May 18 at 06:20 AM

(1/2) I love Emily’s comment before me. I agree; this is a life-long process for many of us. Continuing to listen to Marnie’s approach of ‘don’t make it look like me, make it look like you’ and focusing on movement/exercise as something for you and your well-being and strength and consider shifting away from fitting into a certain size or view of what is attractive. There are SO many things we simply cannot change, like our overall size thay we’re built to be, our broad shoulders (same girl, same). Noticing others and admiring what looks nice for them but intentionally stopping the thought when it continues to comparison and then finding ourselves lacking. I work in mental health and even those who possess natural beauty or talents still struggle.

Commented on Marnie is back!

May 18 at 04:16 AM

If she’s ready, we’re ready! Can’t wait to stretch and breathe with you all 🧘‍♀️