
Commented on Changing Perspective

Jun 30 at 05:40 AM

Such a powerful concept about re-claiming what is ours especially during times of difficulty. I’m glad you are feeling a little better, although I’m sure it hasn’t been a linear path. How incredible to use challenges to connect you to your inner knowing- thank you for sharing!

Jun 30 at 05:37 AM

Aww, beautiful!! 💕

Commented on M/<10 ABS

Jun 28 at 11:58 AM

I *may* have just covered my office door window and done this quickie workout to re-energize for the rest of my work day. It was very short but feels very effective! What a fabulous add-on to another class, or theoretically to do during your work day when you need a 10 min re-energizer but can’t get too sweaty.

Jun 27 at 07:22 PM

Yay Lindsey!! I was inspired by Kimberly T and her weekly re-visit of this class (love connecting with others in the #mbodyglobalfam on Instagram!). I just finished adding this class in 1x/week for a month and while I still have lots of room to progress in form and endurance, it’s cool to see (and feel) some improvements. As Marnie says, it is not a linear path.

Jun 26 at 06:33 AM

This class felt like an emotional release and a hug. The choreography had me sweating, and the messages of hope, strength, and community from Marnie (along w/ a great playlist) gave me goosebumps. We know movement is healing, but when it’s done in the M/BODY way it’s even more poignant. Thank you to Marnie, Danni & the team for showing up for us again, amidst your own processing of current events.

Jun 25 at 11:46 AM

Yay!! Hi Robin, so glad you’re here! Making it to the Lives is awesome, that in-real-time shared energy and breath is powerful.

Commented on Hope

Jun 25 at 11:45 AM

That is awesome!!! She sounds like a strong, smart girl who is connected to her heart, mind, and the world. Way to go Aubrey and way to go momma!

Jun 25 at 11:43 AM

Yay! I also created a separate/public IG account for the main purpose of M/BODY community connection- I’m @bendingnotbreaking and I’m adding you now 🙂

Replied on LA!!! IRL CLASS!!

Jun 25 at 06:18 AM

Hope the move goes well, Emily! Good luck with that process, but enjoy settling into a new space.

Jun 24 at 03:42 AM

Fiery, sweaty burn fest! Great activation of muscles and challenges.