
Oct 15 at 05:02 PM

Ohhh Happy almost M/Body Anniversary!! 🎉

Replied on Day 1/60!

Oct 15 at 02:00 PM

Sooo glad to connect with you, Miranda!! ❤️❤️

Oct 15 at 01:14 PM

Oh no!! Hope you aren’t in too much pain and you are able to get around (and able to accept help along the way). You aren’t losing anything- your body is magical and as long as your medical team clears you (maybe specifically ask about some signature moves; releves, etc in advance?) then you can progressively return when you’re healed. There’s even that Getting Started Guide if you want to let that direct your practice when it is safe to do so. Feel better! ❤️

Commented on Day 1/60!

Oct 15 at 01:08 PM

My goals: 1) Complete at least 45 workouts and all 60 Wellness Activities in this 60-Day Challenge. 2) Shift away from bracing myself and more into flexibility rolling with these next few months, leaning and learning and not fighting the current. New and intimidating things are ahead, but I want to be fully present as I work through them and feel stronger on the other side. Can’t wait to meet that version of me a year from now. 3) Practice more letting go of the hurt, fear, unfairness, resentment, guilt and practice detachment from the parts of my life that are changing with as much love and gratitude as I can. It’s not denying the “negative” sides, but rather not getting stuck in that default mode. Feel it and work through it rather than carry it with me. ❤️

Commented on Happy Challenge Day 1!

Oct 15 at 05:01 AM

Yaaay! Kady and Yvonne, what number challenge is this for you? As in third, fourth….? 🤩🤩

Commented on M/<20 BARRE SWEAT /226

Oct 13 at 02:23 PM

Do you need a quick wake-up workout? Try this one! I was desktop crew for the Live, but had the opportunity to do this class the following day. Short class, strong legs and strong heart. Oh my thighs! Great postural reminders too. "You have the right to grow, and you don't have to apologize for it." Ohh Marnie's words of her own, and the readings she selects to share, resonate.

Oct 13 at 12:56 PM

❤️❤️❤️ I’m definitely hopping on before class! Probably will log off for the actual class, but LOVE the idea of seeing you and others before hand- thank you for setting this up!
Hi Arlynne! I don’t know how to “invite” you on FB and send the link (I tried). It’s a private group so you’ll answer 2-3 questions and then the admin will accept your joining request. I hope this helps you find it directly- can you type in Facebook search this exact wording: M/BODY Global Fam
Anniversaries can pull up lots of stuff. Yet you’re describing that the decision to make a change has been powerful for you; healthy, happy, and an opportunity. How cool you’re still “in the field” of your choosing and your longstanding passion! Letting go creates space for letting in. So glad you’re here and you are navigating ways to stay true to yourself. This Challenge sounds like it will compliment the growth and work you’re already doing so beautifully Megan ❤️
*Shania Twain voice* “let’s go girls!” I’m excited!!