
Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /250

Jan 14 at 03:34 PM

Always so grateful to connect during a Live- the comments about form (physical form and mental focus and re-framing) in this class are helpful no matter how new or familiar M/BODY is. I had to step away before the end, but so glad I came back to replay for that closing message (a hefty dose of self-acceptance). And then Marnie’s unplanned Q&A at the end- so helpful!
Welcome to everyone who is new!!! So glad you’re here and can’t wait to hear your names in the upcoming classes. ❤️

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /1

Dec 29 at 06:13 AM

This was a perfection, manageable, no-equipment class to get the day started when there's only time or energy for 30 minutes.

Dec 23 at 02:57 PM

This class brings you joy (I was in a mood when I started and have shifted during this 45 mins). Marnie acknowledges in her kind words that the holiday season is not always joyful, so don't be afraid of this class if you're not "feeling it" before getting to the mat. A little bit of weights, some Movement ball use behind your back for floor abs, but you can swing this one traveling. Also Marnie sprinkles those gentle, non-judgmental cues of not only form but intention behind your movement and posture that is incredibly helpful.

Commented on IG accounts

Dec 22 at 02:54 PM

Yaaay for more in the group chats! I’m @bendingnotbreaking and look forward to connecting w/ more in the group chats or separately. Thank you Beáta for always being so inclusive and thoughtful. ❤️

Commented on M/<30 FULL BODY /4

Dec 20 at 03:38 AM

I was looking for a 30min class that had low impact options, no equipment, to get a tired morning going. This was great for that purpose- almost all standing with just a little plank work in the middle. Movement to keep engaged, but nothing too complicated to have to think about; I could focus on my balance/form.

Dec 19 at 04:03 AM

@JennyG @NicoleUK It’s me. Hi, I’m the problem it’s me. 😆

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /245

Dec 17 at 12:04 PM

Excellent 60-min signature (a little bit of everything) with fun options to include weights with some standing jumps and some floor abs, all to a great playlist! Love Marnie’s acknowledgment of the positive impact of taking the time to get to the mat, and the shared energy of the class, even when watching as a playback after the Live- so true!

Commented on 35/60?! What?! Yes!

Dec 15 at 03:54 PM

Sending hugs as you grieve the loss and feel the unending love and connection w/ your fur baby. 🐾🌈 So glad medically you are in a better space. Congrats on the Challenge’

Dec 15 at 03:51 PM

Oh Lizamary ❤️❤️❤️ What a difficult season. I agree w/ sounds of burnout (exactly HOW many storms have you weathered in the past few months? Like literal hurricanes impacting you and your loved ones in PR, as well as the emotional ones that roll through in our own lives and within our roles: at work, as a mom, as a spouse, as a friend… the list goes on. Also sometimes we are in a state of transformation and may not readily see that, but damn we FEEL it. Things that used to work are no longer, things we used to feel have shifted. It’s scary when it’s unknown, and yet this may also be a shift, an evolution, a metamorphosis in some way happening for you. You do so many things well, and you are so strong for yourself and for others. Vulnerability may not be comfortable, but the fact you’re exploring that is also telling of your growth. I am here for you. So many others are as well. It’s hard to reach out, but if this is a “trust fall” you know we’ll catch you. I am so proud of you and your beautiful, tough, strong, tearful journey.