
Mar 14 at 07:18 PM

Hi Anna! A friend of mine loves using Yogi Toes (a yoga mat towel) to help her not feel she is sliding off of her mat. I upgraded my yoga mat to a double-sided Lululemon mat (I’ve heard very good things about eko yoga mats and Jade mats as other quality brands). I keep the grippier side on the carpet and work on the smoother side. It still moves around a bit w/ a lot of jumping, but not w/ general changes in choreography. Some brands offer thicker mats for more cushion. If you’re working on a hard floor, I would add a layer of padding under a mat (for floor series work only) and see if layers of grippy shelf liners (sometimes used inside kitchen cabinets) could help keep it in place. Hope you find options that work for you!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /78

Mar 14 at 06:43 PM

The hour went by faster than I expected and I appreciate the use of all the props in one class. The meditation at the end really hit me tonight- I’ve started to write down the classes where Marnie’s words feel especially poignant so I can revisit that part of M/Body’s wellness in addition to the movement and stretch of this program. I cannot say how much I appreciate the balance of it all, and the lack of focus on weight loss, bathing suit shopping, etc.

Commented on My goal for the week

Mar 14 at 02:43 PM

Listening to your inner knowing 🌻 Thank you for sharing this great reminder!

Mar 14 at 12:19 PM

Thank you for the encouragement! Using the mirror has helped me realize it more, but I’m sure the intuitive feeling will be more pronounced with time.

Commented on 171 is a mofo!!

Mar 14 at 12:18 PM

Whew, I can hear your legs talking if you did 171 twice already! But how powerful do you feel right now??

Commented on Day 9!!!

Mar 13 at 12:15 PM

Your weekend sounds amazing- way to set that aside for yourself, seems long overdue.

Mar 13 at 08:36 AM

What a beautiful stretch and poignant meditation- thank you! I rearranged this one a week early for the Spring Challenge so I’m not too tired on the charity live event next Sunday.

Mar 12 at 06:19 PM

This was an awesome class to add-on to another short one, or if you just need a quickie workout. That ending stretch challenged me- I just focused on exploring rather than judging the struggle and that shift always helps. #marnietruths

Replied on Day 6 Part 2

Mar 12 at 02:57 PM

Good for you for getting it done! I had almost a trash bag full and just said “bye girl” as I tossed it.

Replied on Day 6 Part 2

Mar 11 at 11:14 AM

👀 I clearly haven’t been through the medicines in years- we used to travel a lot (for pleasure and my husband for work).