Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Replied on Day 59-Reflections

May 02 at 06:12 PM

Thank you Monique. And same to you. You are an inspiration to us all! So cool we started at the same time. I love the connection we share. โค


May 02 at 08:46 AM

My pic didn't attach in the previous post. I wanted to share some photos with you all.



May 02 at 08:45 AM

โค Participating in this Challenge together has been a beautiful blessing. Thank you!! I started the challenge right around the time I joined M/BODY.

Throughout the Challenge, I realize I can let go of the idea that " I have to do things on my own." I can surrender to love and continue to allow love to be the guiding light.

I have learned that I do not need to take on my thoughts & become them, for my thoughts are just thoughts, they are not who I am. Who iam cannot be described in words but rather experienced.

We are all across the globe and some have never met face to face and I consider you all friends and family. You all have given me love, support, and encouragement and that is beautiful. Its been a pleasure to share that love back to you all!! Letting that love in & out has had an amazing impact on my life. Thank you all! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Wishing you all well. Sending my love to you all. And everyday is worth celebrating!


Apr 30 at 05:56 PM

Monique you certainly got those creative juices flowing. Your deck is beautiful & will be spectacular as we venture through spring. Gardening has my heart. โค and I love your recipes here. Soo good!! This inspires me to try something in my quesadillas! Thank you!! Love yah!

Commented on Hi Fam!

Apr 30 at 05:53 PM

So cool!! Your painting is beautiful. Those colors are magical. I did a class too!! And yes embracing and sending love to you too Emily!!

Commented on Workout companion

Apr 30 at 05:51 PM

Love this so much!! Cute doggo ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Apr 30 at 05:01 AM

Glad you're feeling better Megan! ๐Ÿ˜Š thank you for the love, sending love to you too!! โค

Commented on Day 55

Apr 29 at 09:27 AM

Such a powerful shift in energy Miranda! ๐Ÿ‘

Commented on Hit my mark again!

Apr 28 at 08:38 AM

Hi Nicole! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm on day 55 approaching 60. For me, prior to the challenge I eat apples daily & create my own healing waters such as lemon water. Plus I've been creating fruit & veggie smoothies for about 10 yes now. All the wellness activities have been habitial in natural for me as i have a career background in life/success coach. Plus, on a personal level, my habits came from witnessing my mother depart this earth due to cancer. Health has been a way to honor my life & my moms life & all the women in my family line. Health & healing is my way to celebrate & make a toast to life. Cheers to you.

Apr 21 at 04:59 PM

Wow! Yes, You have grit and power within you Marisol! Thank you for sharing. โค