Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Jul 27 at 02:25 PM

Awesome Emily! Keep up the good work. Our chats here on the CB adds a nice spice during my day-thank you for that.

Jul 27 at 02:24 PM

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

Commented on Just love !

Jul 27 at 05:12 AM

Hey Delany! I feel the same as well. Thank you for popping on and sharing! I'm thankful for YOU! Take care!

Jul 26 at 11:09 AM

Thank you! The pics are from the local Erie Bontanical Garden. The horticulturists & volunteers do amazing work planting gardens and upkeeping the terrain. Plus, the architecture of the green houses are breath-taking.

Jul 26 at 11:05 AM

Thank you Miranda ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ’“

Jul 26 at 11:05 AM

Hey Emily! Well this made my day too. You're an awesome individual!

Jul 25 at 01:02 PM

Hey Megan, I went back to the beginning after the Spring 60 day challenge. Yess- I second that!

Jul 25 at 08:14 AM

Something else about me is that I go hard, I do the best I can, and I don't give up on myself- I continue to try and to develop. It's not because I can or I can't but as Marnie mentions, it's because I get to! Movement is a gift. Honoring my body and taking care of myself is my obligation not only for myself but for the people I love. It's same reason why I choose happiness, not only is it good for me but it's healthy for those around me. It's my selfless act I like to share. I hope you all have a bright and wonderful day. โœจ๏ธ continue to embrace your gifts of love, honoring truth, and expressing your beautiful lives!! ๐Ÿ˜ Thank you global fam for letting into your hearts. I appreciate you all! Love you all.


Jul 25 at 08:05 AM

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I come to the mat everyday because I made a commitment to treat my body well. Over time, I have fallen in love with the challenges our workouts bring because it means I am embracing my aliveness. Today I celebrate life as I do everyday because life is meaningful & significant in my eyes. Workout celebration M<45 Sweat 185!


Jul 24 at 01:49 PM

Hey Claudia! Yay- congrats to you! I love you using the Movement Ball for the chest opening stretch, laying on the ball placed between the shoulder blades. Have fun playing!