Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States

Jun 14 at 05:12 AM

Thank you. Keep up the awesome work M/Body team!!


Jun 13 at 10:09 AM

I did the live from Saturday today, and I was reminded of this beautiful poem I grew up with that my grandmother shared with me to help ease the pain of being teased as a child. I was too much, too smart, too loud, too sensitive... you get it. And at times I still think of myself as too much and feel tempted to hide myself out of fear that people won't like me or give me a chance. I hope these words can bring someone a sense of relief as it did for myself. 

Looking forward to the Summer Challenge this Saturday! Are there anyways you are getting prepared?? I'm cheering you all on all. <3

Take of yourselves and one another! 



Jun 12 at 05:26 AM

During our barre series in a 60 min signature Marnie brought up, "with challenge comes change." 

Maybe it's not the challenge that one is afraid of but the change... challenge is logical, practical, and it makes sense. You can work towards it, build up to it, and practice it. But the change symbolizes something greater, it can be emotional... 

Who am I on the other side of challenge? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do I accomplish it? Is okay to not be the same if I meet that challenge? Will I be okay, is this type of change good, true, and respectful to my body? What would it mean? Because life has meaning,  I mean something... my life has meaning. 

Maybe I'll meet who I'm meant to become on the other side of challenge... A version of me that faces fear with grace...that recognizes the fear but chooses to not be afraid because truth and love guide the way. 

I know my body can complete those last 4 sets of 8, but it challenges my mind & emotions to break old habits and accept the truth that I can do this with grace. Maybe that's the change we shall find when we meet a challenge we understand we are capable of.

Love Jessi G. ❤️ 


Replied on Question 💙

Jun 11 at 01:05 PM

Awesome Lindsey! This is great, I'll def check it out. I appreciate it!

Replied on Question 💙

Jun 11 at 01:04 PM

Excellent tip Megan! I'm looking forward to trying this out. Thank you so much!

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /290

Jun 09 at 11:09 AM

My words of of encourage to whomever is participating in this routine, 

You are by design made to move with beauty and grace. If you tell yourself, "I can't do it or it's to hard", ignite your spirit within that can excite to express your movement with the beauty and grace that is uniquely yours! Don't be afraid to embrace your true excellence. 

This is great ground work and it reminded me a bit of a pilates class. The planks and push-up build strength in the upper body while stretching the lower body. With practice, comes mastery. 

And Remember, during the choreo-combos, if your muscles are fatiguing, never fret because that is the body saying we are adapting to this strength workout. 

Commented on Question 💙

Jun 09 at 09:51 AM

Update- I wore the toe-spacers yesterday at home and this morning during a workout. (This year is all about tuning in to proper form from toes to finger tips.) My feet and ankles felt supported and aligned. I would def recommend if anyone is looking for proper toe alignment. They are inexpensive as well. 

Replied on Question 💙

Jun 09 at 06:25 AM

Thanks Emily!


Jun 07 at 04:47 PM

Hey loves. How are you all? 

 Has anyone had experience using toe spacers? If so, may I please hear your experience. I recently purchased this item to focus on toe strength and flexibility. It was said to me that I can train wearing them, since we workout barefoot, I'd like to give it a try. For me, during wide second pile it takes conscious effort to spread my toes and at other times I notice my toes crunch. I'm curious to listen to anyone else's experience. 

And Im open to hearing about any other toes/feet strengthening stories or exercises- I'm putting in the effort to build up the arches in my feet since I've recently discovered they are fallen. I'm excited because even though I've been working out with you all for a year, focusing on my feet now it feels like a new experience during the routines. 

Thanks! ❤️ 


Jun 07 at 04:30 PM

Same!! It was such a fun routine!