Jessica Gallagher

Buffalo, NY, United States


Jun 12 at 05:26 AM

During our barre series in a 60 min signature Marnie brought up, "with challenge comes change." 

Maybe it's not the challenge that one is afraid of but the change... challenge is logical, practical, and it makes sense. You can work towards it, build up to it, and practice it. But the change symbolizes something greater, it can be emotional... 

Who am I on the other side of challenge? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do I accomplish it? Is okay to not be the same if I meet that challenge? Will I be okay, is this type of change good, true, and respectful to my body? What would it mean? Because life has meaning,  I mean something... my life has meaning. 

Maybe I'll meet who I'm meant to become on the other side of challenge... A version of me that faces fear with grace...that recognizes the fear but chooses to not be afraid because truth and love guide the way. 

I know my body can complete those last 4 sets of 8, but it challenges my mind & emotions to break old habits and accept the truth that I can do this with grace. Maybe that's the change we shall find when we meet a challenge we understand we are capable of.

Love Jessi G. ❤️ 



Jun 07 at 04:47 PM

Hey loves. How are you all? 

 Has anyone had experience using toe spacers? If so, may I please hear your experience. I recently purchased this item to focus on toe strength and flexibility. It was said to me that I can train wearing them, since we workout barefoot, I'd like to give it a try. For me, during wide second pile it takes conscious effort to spread my toes and at other times I notice my toes crunch. I'm curious to listen to anyone else's experience. 

And Im open to hearing about any other toes/feet strengthening stories or exercises- I'm putting in the effort to build up the arches in my feet since I've recently discovered they are fallen. I'm excited because even though I've been working out with you all for a year, focusing on my feet now it feels like a new experience during the routines. 

Thanks! ❤️ 



May 24 at 07:33 PM

There is a time for everything... 

Hey fam! It's not easy for me to open up when times get tough. Therefore, if anyone has been experiencing hard times, you're not alone. I've been experiencing some emotional things and it's been painful and it hasn't been easy. I've had a case of the blues and it seems it's been a season of sadness on my end. Tears, sadness, anger, and overwhelm. Its def been a season and im beginning to feel some light at times. I am incredibly grateful for the constant in my life which is showing up to the mat with you lovely souls daily. Thank you all for keeping it real and  sharing pieces of your heart and soul here. ❤️ Your life is meaningful and beautiful even when it seems messy. ✨️ Your life is purposeful even when things may feel hopeless. Continue to look forward and keep faith even when it may feel heavy and burdensome. Give up on the lies and things that weigh you down but don't give up on yourself- your soul- because these feelings will come to pass. Continue on the journey the best way you know how because there is growth in challenge and change both on and off the mat. You are not alone. I've wanted to give up plenty of times but I'm stubborn and I just can't give up and I know better days are to come. I believe in myself (even when I don't care to) and therefore I believe in you! Take care of yourselves. Thank you all! 😊 I appreciate you all. We got this!! May we all have an opportunity to Bloom this upcoming summer season. ☀️ 





Jan 22 at 05:42 PM

“Perseverance commonly connotes effort and hard work to complete a goal despite barriers and obstacles”

Perseverance is trusting in our ability from our gifts to achieve what we think we cannot do. 

Along with discipline, M/BODY has given me the space to explore perseverance in fitness. In the moments I think I can’t go on or I am yearning for a reprieve, I focus on perseverance. And even when I give in because it’s tough, I practice patience with myself. I remind myself that, "Day by day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." I get to “come back and play tomorrow to try again.”

 That’s what perseverance means to me. Not trying to get it right the first time and if I don’t then I’m bad, rather, practicing patience and returning each day to enjoy growth. 

When I first began working out with M/BODY:

Cardio was hard- I practiced with low-impact until my heart grew stronger. 

Lunges were hard- It took time and practice.

60 min signatures were difficult the first few workouts- I just kept moving to the best of my ability. 

I am so overcome with joy to say, cardio is so much fun now! And lunges-I have mastered! 60 mins doesn’t feel grueling, but invigorating! Coming back each day, I was able to witness my growth and understanding. Now, I am preserving during those 4 sets 8 without stopping! 

Perseverance is a virtue that I carry both on and off the mat. It’s truly fun to practice perseverance with movement on the mat and I am so grateful to play everyday! So when things get tough, focus on perseverance.



Jan 16 at 08:42 AM

"Our human tendency to think of discipline as a negative thing is unfortunate, and incorrect. It’s not as alarming or unpleasant as it sounds and is actually incredibly freeing. Discipline is the result of your free will making a decision to order your life, your duties, and your appetites. When practiced and established, we experience peace of mind; accomplish more; feel less stressed; and find that we have more time at our disposal, not less." -Genevieve Cunningham



Jan 05 at 11:37 AM

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Cheers everyone! 2022 was an incredible year, filled many ups and downs. It started with Covid, joining M/Body-making new friends, winning the Spring/Summer Challenge, to preparing for marriage to getting married, finishing school, to experiencing a miscarriage and having my first surgery ever, to taking time off to recover and grieve the loss of our baby. I haven't really been around on the CB since September and I've missed you all!

It has not been easy, but my soul is grateful for the experience and how much it's allowed me to grow.

My word for this year is "Surrender". To practice patience and humility often and to not possess the trait of self-reliance in excess which creates a collapse inward.

For Christmas I got a portal Barre!! I can retire my good ol' dining room chair. I'm so excited to workout with this barre this year! Peace and love to you all!!



Nov 01 at 11:07 AM

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Hey fam!

I spent my weekend marrying the love of my life of the past 15yrs. We had a beautiful wedding and wonderful dinner party on the Buffalo river afterwards. It's a dream come true. I wish you were all there!

Love you all lots!

-Jessi G



Sep 28 at 06:48 AM

Hi gorgeous fam! Good news-

This October 28th I'll be getting married to the love of my life over the last 15 yrs! (High school sweethearts) We have been family planning and hope we can have a beautiful family. Big changes and it's been painful, you see, after my mom died, my fiance and I have been taking care of my brothers. My father who was abusive left shortly after mom died. We decided to stay, take care of the home, and raise my young teenage brothers at the time. It's been an honor for us raising those boys but the glory goes to my mother. I wish she could be here with us.

Life is moving on as life does. Everything is changing and I've been experiencing all the colors as we say. I am grateful for my life and all its messiness. I'm grateful for the movement we do because it truly keeps me balanced. I'm grateful for the love and support of this community. Thank you Marnie for all your encouragement of embracing all of our emotions.

Cheers to all types of love ❤️



Sep 21 at 10:44 AM

Gardening and lawn care keeps me balanced.



Sep 06 at 08:45 AM

Hey Fam. How are you all doing?? What's new? What's one of the great joy's you've experienced over summer? What's something you've overcame? And what are you looking forward to for yourself this fall??

Love you all!! Take care of yourself and each other. Cheers to life.

pic by me from Buffalo Botanical Gardens