

Nov 27 at 10:12 AM

My cousin Francie and I did Planksgiving this morning and she crushed it!! Thank you Marnie and LP for a fantastic sweat that brought the deep burn! We feel fabulous going into Thanksgiving tomorrow. So grateful to have done it with someone else by my side! Sending lots of love to the Global Fam! My soul is constantly nourished from this community ❤️



Oct 29 at 01:13 PM

Finished Challenge Board! 

I semi-kept to my goals: mostly no phone in the room before bedtime and almost always did the sunshine before screens (which I just love and will keep moving forward). My brain seems to be so much more awake and attuned during those first moments of the day without a screen. I gave myself grace and completed most of the workouts, instead of forcing to do all 21, like I normally would. I plan to keep some of these habits going moving forward. Thank you Marnie & Team for a fabulous challenge and board! I want to do a better job in the future of sticking to the daily curriculum instead of constantly jumping around 😂



Oct 07 at 03:27 PM

Fall Challenge 2024! 

Hello Fam! Popping on the board to commit to this challenge! My goal is 5 workouts per week, and if I do more, I will consider them a bonus. I always go for the maximum number, so I'm challenging myself in a new way, trying to embody the theme of release. 

In addition to the wellness activities (particularly love sunlight before screens and the lymph massage), I've set a few for myself:

  • Channel this month's theme of release to release judgement of self (particularly limiting critical words I say to myself) and expectations for the future. 

  • No electronics in the bedroom before bed

  • Lie on the floor and breathe each night before sleep (have started doing this recently, and it's such a grounding, relaxing feeling) 



Sep 13 at 06:53 AM

Fam, I did this <45 Sweat /108 today outside, and as we hit the final stretch and meditation, the sun hit me. I felt so supported and seen, and felt like I embodied "be in the light" at that moment. 

This class was all about our journeys, where we're at, how we're feeling in our bodies. At the end, Marnie said you don't fall behind on your own journey. I truly felt that, perhaps for the first time this morning. I've had a massive, positive shift in consciousness this week, and am finally starting to experience genuine hope, possibility, and excitement about what lies ahead. It's taken awhile to get to this point, and I just feel so darn grateful for this journey and this place I'm at. I have this bodily understanding that it was all supposed to happen this way, that it needed to unfold the way that it did. 

Sending you all so much love and light. I'm so appreciative for this fam, for the support, for the love, for seeing and experiencing what it looks like to show up for one another. ❤️



Jul 16 at 07:27 AM

Hello Fam! Quick question for the LA locals... I'm going to be visiting a friend for the weekend and was wondering if there are any top areas/museums/places you would recommend? The Griffith is at the top of my list, but I love getting to the "off the beaten path" neighborhoods and shops and places. Thank you in advance for any thoughts!! Sending love and light!



Apr 15 at 07:31 PM

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Fam! Had to post these photos here saying I was thinking of you all this morning. The past few days have been unseasonably warm here in Wisconsin, and this morning, while on a walk with the dog, I stood in the warm sunlight, bathing in the beauty, taking a few calm moments and breaths before the start of the day. While standing in the sun, the words “Be in the Light" immediately came to mind, and all of a sudden, I felt connected to you. I felt light and energy beaming out of my heart and to all of you in the world.
In hindsight, I'm grateful to have had this moment and realization on day 1 of the challenge. What wonderful energy to start on! Sending lots of love and light to all of you!!



Apr 26 at 01:26 PM

Hello hello fam! Super random, but I’m heading to London next weekend on what will be a solo trip for the coronation. I was wondering if anyone (either local or international) will be there? Would love to meet some of the fam if anyone has time!



Dec 16 at 04:32 PM

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So sorry about the hack!! Uploading it here just in case!



May 20 at 07:29 AM

Happy Friday everyone! Just had to share a few things I’ve been thinking about as a result of the Cinco de Mayo class I finally did yesterday.

1.	I recently came out of Covid. It lasted for longer than I expected, which meant I allowed my body time to heal and didn’t exercise for a little less than 2 weeks. I eased my way back on Sunday, and I was sore from classes that I wouldn’t normally be sore from! At first, I was frustrated. But then, in light of the thread on this board started so bravely by Nicole, instead of getting mad at myself for going backward and losing muscle, I changed my thought process: time away allowed me to appreciate how strong I was just a few weeks ago near the end of the challenge! Wow!! Like Marnie says, it’s all about meeting ourselves where we’re at, and being the observer/feeler not the judge. Truly loving my time back on the mat - a little time away gave me perspective and allowed me space to realize how much I love and treasure M/Body. Cannot wait to meet some of you IRL in NYC!! Sending love!  

2.	I thought of Liza Mary when doing the class - was channeling her dancing and loving every song!!


May 03 at 02:14 PM

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I woke up not feeling great, so I’m sad to report that I didn’t complete all 60 days yet, but I’m listening to my body and am looking forward to doing the microball class and last 60 minute class when I’m on the mend.

With that being said, I’m so grateful for this community and last 60 days. I feel stronger and more in tune with my body. While my body has changed, my mental toughness and awareness have evolved more than anything. Marine’s reverences always seem to meet me right where I am, and I could not be more thankful. I’m learning to meet my body where it’s at, change the negative thought processes, and be the observer, not the judge. Although this challenge is over, looking forward to sculpting, sweating & stretching in the months to come!