Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Sep 18 at 03:54 AM

I also deal with back pain and find that the posture perfect classes and floor work always get me right and strengthen my core to where I am not experiencing pain. Also, keeping the tuck and core engaged throughout any class helps me.


Sep 17 at 12:05 PM

This class is one to revisit, for sure! The lengthy reps really build up the heat. More to improve on but I’m here for it. Marnie’s words at the end apple so much truth (as she always does)!!


Sep 17 at 09:36 AM

Oh man. I can relate. Don’t mimic me…please give yourself some breaks and time to breathe. Not doing so will, unfortunately, catch up to you. Hugs to you!

Replied on Mindshift

Sep 15 at 07:45 AM

Thank you so much. Will always come to the mat! It is my space to feel and let go of all the shit. ;-)


Sep 15 at 03:58 AM

My body has been craving less bounce and more sculpt/strength. This one delivers. Also, might be about time for me to get some wrist weights. LOL

Replied on Mindshift

Sep 13 at 12:11 PM

So looking to connecting next month!!


Sep 13 at 08:29 AM

Please bear with me….I’m being vulnerable here. :-)
I have a confession. I have often felt excluded when not getting a shout out from Marnie during the lives. Eeek! Also, I find it difficult to keep up with all the messages in the thread. LOL I have been in therapy since my 20s, so I decided to reframe things for myself. I used to hit the workouts where I got a shoutout, which is great. But I wanted to focus on the joy of just the workout. And, honestly, it’s been working. Letting go of the thoughts in my head, my envy….and just feeling the joy of the workout.
I needed this joy b/c my life is just a mess. Dealing with aging parents is no joke. My dad was hospitalized recently with COVID, pneumonia, and a bacterial infection. Amazingly, he’s recovering well. Although he was a PITA to the hospital (b/c of his dementia). My marriage is in a difficult place. I just don’t where it will go. We’ve been in therapy and he’s seeking individual therapy. Our main issue is his relationship with our son. It’s strained. But my husband is unhappy and depressed in NC (as am I) and want to move back to CO. We’ll get there…the stars have to align, along with interest rates. :-) I recently joined a community of moms with neurodivergent kiddos (my son has ADHD, anxiety, depression) and it’s been a tremendous space of support. My husband is actually going to Denver this weekend and I know the space will be good. Oh, did I mention I’m also on the school PTA, organizing programs to come to the school? I’m stretched, for sure. And…today, my dog needs a tooth extraction. Man!
All this to say…always remember it’s not about the accolades but about the joy. I can still feel it, even if I don’t get a shoutout. :-) I think this is a wonderful community. My participation is sporadic but I can still feel the wonderful love.


Commented on My dad

Sep 09 at 06:25 PM

So sorry for your loss. Hugs and peace to you and your family.


Sep 03 at 07:24 AM

The balance between taking care of others and taking care of myself. The balance of ensuring everyone else is happy and that I’m happy.

Aug 30 at 03:48 AM

I must have done this one in the past, as it’s a favorite but it’s been so long I forgot. I love the bounce, use of weights, and core work in this one. I’m putting it on regular rotation, when not catching up with the lives.