Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States


May 20 at 02:05 PM

May is typically a busy month for my family - Mother's Day, my daughter's birthday, my birthday, our dog's adoptaversary. Sadly, I've had to add my father's death to May.

Less than a week after moving him to memory care, he became unresponsive and attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. It was a complete shock. And, honestly, I'm processing through guilt. Although I've grieved him in a different way over the past two years, during his journey with dementia, the grief in knowing I will never see him in person anymore is more painful.

He was a stern but loving father. You could always depend on him, for anything. He would drive hours to you in the middle of the night, as he did for my brother. He contemplated driving to CO when I lived there, because he hated to fly. We convinced him not to.Ā 

So, as my birthday lands on this week's Wednesday live, I'm taking 30 minutes to step away from work and love myself and give myself some grace.Ā 



Feb 15 at 07:09 AM

You all! One day of Paxlovid has allowed me to emerge out of ā€œdarkness.ā€ I started to have a bit shortness of breath and my doctor hooked me up.
Iā€™m going to try the Taylor workout on Saturday. šŸ¤žšŸ½
Not trying to be creepy, but is there a way to individually reach out to someone on the community board? If there isnā€™t, maybe that could be considered as a future feature?



Feb 12 at 06:56 PM

You all. Covid hit my daughter this past weekend. Thankfully, itā€™s mild. Sheā€™s the only one in our fam who has had a positive test. This is her second time with Covid. Her first was in 2022. The rest of us tested negative, even this morning. But I felt something was amiss with me this morning when I didnā€™t want to get up to do my M/BODY workout. Although I tested negative this morning, I swabbed my throat tonight. I read an article that said sometimes the virus doesnā€™t reach the nasal passages. The article didnā€™t say to swab the throat but I decided to see. And now, I feel like I have an annoying cold. But, sometimes a forced break can be a good thing. I doubt Iā€™ll be up for Palestineā€™sā€¦.but Iā€™ll be there, cheering you all on from #deskcrew!



Dec 24 at 07:35 AM

I hope everyone has a great last week of 2023. Personally, I'm ready to dust off this year and welcome a new one!Ā 

Just did yesterday's live and it was so fun, empowering, and emotional. As Marnie said "the light is coming" ... and I'm holding on to that.Ā 

Thanks for being such a fun community!



Dec 05 at 07:57 PM

Ready to De-stress, if only for a hot minute!
Seriously ready to say goodbye to 2023. A literal storm hit over the past few days. Primarily with my son and his barrage of hurtful words to my husband and I, but mainly me. And, his inability to regulate and him hurting himself. We met with his therapist and are utilizing some tools, approaches at homeā€¦reminding ourselves that itā€™ll get worse before it gets better.
Sometimes, itā€™s easy to fall into ā€œwhy does life suck for usā€ and I have but Iā€™m trying to pull out of it.
I think Iā€™m going to block out my calendar for tomorrowā€™s live. Carve out the time for me.
Please send us some good energyā€¦Iā€™ll grab on to it, tightly. šŸ˜€



Sep 13 at 08:29 AM

Please bear with meā€¦.Iā€™m being vulnerable here. :-)
I have a confession. I have often felt excluded when not getting a shout out from Marnie during the lives. Eeek! Also, I find it difficult to keep up with all the messages in the thread. LOL I have been in therapy since my 20s, so I decided to reframe things for myself. I used to hit the workouts where I got a shoutout, which is great. But I wanted to focus on the joy of just the workout. And, honestly, itā€™s been working. Letting go of the thoughts in my head, my envyā€¦.and just feeling the joy of the workout.
I needed this joy b/c my life is just a mess. Dealing with aging parents is no joke. My dad was hospitalized recently with COVID, pneumonia, and a bacterial infection. Amazingly, heā€™s recovering well. Although he was a PITA to the hospital (b/c of his dementia). My marriage is in a difficult place. I just donā€™t where it will go. Weā€™ve been in therapy and heā€™s seeking individual therapy. Our main issue is his relationship with our son. Itā€™s strained. But my husband is unhappy and depressed in NC (as am I) and want to move back to CO. Weā€™ll get thereā€¦the stars have to align, along with interest rates. :-) I recently joined a community of moms with neurodivergent kiddos (my son has ADHD, anxiety, depression) and itā€™s been a tremendous space of support. My husband is actually going to Denver this weekend and I know the space will be good. Oh, did I mention Iā€™m also on the school PTA, organizing programs to come to the school? Iā€™m stretched, for sure. Andā€¦today, my dog needs a tooth extraction. Man!
All this to sayā€¦always remember itā€™s not about the accolades but about the joy. I can still feel it, even if I donā€™t get a shoutout. :-) I think this is a wonderful community. My participation is sporadic but I can still feel the wonderful love.



Aug 03 at 05:21 AM

ā€¦.at how uncanny it is when Marnie says just the right thing at the right time or says a shoutout or reminds you to spread your toes or tuck your hips just when you need to be reminded. This is so silly but, last night, my husband told me that Cypress Hill recently played with the Colorado Symphony to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Black Sunday. Of course, he said it in a way that alludes to why the fuck am I living in NC. LOL Ah, another story. But, I grinned this morning as I did the recent live workout when ā€œJump Aroundā€ came on. I mean, seriously, what are the odds. šŸ˜‚



Jul 22 at 07:25 AM

In going back in the catalog to workouts Iā€™ve missed, I did the Motherā€™s Day workout this morning. It was a sweaty, powerful workout, especially with Marnieā€™s words ā€œyou matterā€ Itā€™s been a tough few months and I donā€™t open up too easily, especially at the time of my struggles. Working on it. Iā€™m happy to be back in this space, continuing the work. I start a new job Monday so Iā€™ll be on desk crew during the week too, ready to chat it up!



Apr 19 at 11:28 AM

Hi all! Anyone in Philly or surrounding area who I can connect with about our end of summer family roadtrip?


Apr 12 at 07:24 AM

Hi all! I plan to be on the live but on desk crew today. Iā€™ve caught up with the lives I missed while in Denver last week - which was so awesome and much needed. Bummer that Leahā€™s schedule didnā€™t have her in Denver during my visit!

I did cardio dance this morning, which is one of my faves and I love smiling and feeling through the movements.

In all honesty, Iā€™m finally emerging from a period of darkness. It was so deep and it took some time and med adjustment to get me to feeling better now.

I think Iā€™m also feeling a bit clearer on the direction of where I think my family should head and that has me feeling better. Until changes are made, Iā€™m focusing on my little clan and making the best of where we are.