Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Jan 04 at 04:16 AM

Beautifully said!

Jan 03 at 07:24 AM

Jessica Gallagher I will be there, on Deskcrew! I'll "look" for ya!

Jan 03 at 03:23 AM

Yay! Love this!

Dec 28 at 04:27 AM

Hi. I’m printing from this post because that syncs with the playlist. But the image attached to the playlist is different.


Dec 27 at 04:10 AM


I actually just did a 30 min knockout sweat this morning. How funny. I’m tempted to do the 20 min later b/c I love knockout sweat. But more than likely, I’ll give my body a rest for the remainder of the day. 😂

Dec 26 at 08:06 PM

Renewing for an annual subscription was very much the gift I needed to give myself. Looking forward to continued joy and sweat for another year!

Dec 24 at 08:41 AM

It’s much better. Some pain here and there. To be honest, I mostly take low impact options during class. It’s humbling to be honest but I’ve learned to listen to my body a lot better over the past year.


Dec 24 at 07:35 AM

I hope everyone has a great last week of 2023. Personally, I'm ready to dust off this year and welcome a new one! 

Just did yesterday's live and it was so fun, empowering, and emotional. As Marnie said "the light is coming" ... and I'm holding on to that. 

Thanks for being such a fun community!


Dec 24 at 05:51 AM

9 am (west coast) work for me, so that I can fit in a lunch break workout easier (east coast gal). 9 am on Saturday would be cool, but I’m flexible.


Dec 22 at 06:48 AM

Revisited this one and used 5lbs weights! I did have to take a couple of quick breaks but found that using a heavier weight for this workout pushed me to use the correct muscles and increased the sweat! LOL I love these posture-focused classes so much.