Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States


Mar 25 at 07:22 PM

1/3 boards of the spring challenge done! I’ve been doing these workouts since January and it’s helping me create better habits and love that the stronger body I am developing is better than any clothes size. But I think my jeans are fitting better. 😂 I also think that former me would’ve completely injured my body at this point but I’m better about resting when I need to and honoring when I need a low impact option. Thanks so much to Whitney for introducing me to Marnie and the best community ever! On to board 2!!


Mar 17 at 03:50 AM

Although challenging (with the brain!), this class was fun! I actually smiled as I wiggled and had missteps and I also honored myself with my options choices. Thank you, Marnie!

Commented on Lemon Water - Check!

Mar 10 at 05:32 PM

I was a day late with the lemon water too and I think I’m going to keep it going!

Replied on New to Challenge

Mar 06 at 09:58 AM


Replied on New to Challenge

Mar 06 at 09:58 AM

Thanks for that suggestion!


Mar 06 at 06:48 AM

I’ve been working out with you all since maybe January. And this is my first challenge. I had to do yesterday’s workout today and I may still end up doing day 2 later. Going on a little hike with fam in a bit. I am going to be tired!! Ha ha

So, is there a way to track workouts completed on the site or app. Or maybe I should just use my notebook.