Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Feb 29 at 05:59 AM

Please have more classes like this! I love the challenge of a heavier weight. I think a heavier weight invites different movements, which is awesome. 


Feb 27 at 07:03 PM

This is amazing! Thank you! Lisa Loeb! Oasis! Portishead! Ahhh! 😀


Feb 24 at 02:39 PM

Sending lots of love! Keep navigating this journey and remain strong!


Feb 24 at 02:37 PM

Love it!!


Feb 21 at 03:25 AM

I actually pushed working out to Monday, which was slow and I took some breaks. LOL


Feb 15 at 07:09 AM

You all! One day of Paxlovid has allowed me to emerge out of “darkness.” I started to have a bit shortness of breath and my doctor hooked me up.
I’m going to try the Taylor workout on Saturday. 🤞🏽
Not trying to be creepy, but is there a way to individually reach out to someone on the community board? If there isn’t, maybe that could be considered as a future feature?


Feb 13 at 01:57 PM

Love his poetry! Happy Palentine’s!



Feb 12 at 06:56 PM

You all. Covid hit my daughter this past weekend. Thankfully, it’s mild. She’s the only one in our fam who has had a positive test. This is her second time with Covid. Her first was in 2022. The rest of us tested negative, even this morning. But I felt something was amiss with me this morning when I didn’t want to get up to do my M/BODY workout. Although I tested negative this morning, I swabbed my throat tonight. I read an article that said sometimes the virus doesn’t reach the nasal passages. The article didn’t say to swab the throat but I decided to see. And now, I feel like I have an annoying cold. But, sometimes a forced break can be a good thing. I doubt I’ll be up for Palestine’s….but I’ll be there, cheering you all on from #deskcrew!


Feb 08 at 07:50 PM

Lovely picture!

I’m an early morning workout person. For years…even before M/BODY. I start my workout at 6:15 or 6:30 and am showered and ready for getting the kids up at 7:30. I stick to mostly 30 mins and sometimes am able to push it to 45. I pick my workout the night before. Right now, I’m having some foot/toe issue so I’m going to do a floor flow tomorrow AM.

I might have some water before workout. I just don’t like eating anything before.

You got this! It’ll be the most awesome habit!

Feb 02 at 07:34 PM
