Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

May 04 at 06:38 PM

Congrats on your little and for showing up!!


May 03 at 06:04 PM

I didn’t complete all 60 but totally knocked out the last board. Listening to my body was key. When it told me to modify and go low impact, I did. When I needed extra stretching, I did that.

Honestly, changes in my personal habits, taking care of myself started clicking over the last few weeks. Started to take a serious look at diet, even though I hadn’t been terrible, I needed improvement.

Really love this community. It’s just a joy! Onward!!


Commented on Complete!!

May 03 at 05:52 PM

Right on! I think listening to my body, being kind was the key to my success as well!

Replied on Catch up

Apr 26 at 09:28 AM



Apr 26 at 06:28 AM

I had friends visiting over the weekend so I’m playing catch up. I did the love yesterday and the meditation. Today, I did the barre sculpt, which I liked more than I thought I would! Music was awesome too. Has me listening to Olivia Newton John this morning. 😂 I’ll try to do the strap stretch this evening and I’ll be back on track! I can’t believe the challenge is almost over!! This has been so fun!



Apr 20 at 01:06 PM

Funny thing, I’ve actually had my physical scheduled for tomorrow for months! Had my blood work done on Monday. Boobies smashed a few months ago. And dental scheduled!



Apr 19 at 01:32 PM

…me being alive, for one. Because the depths of my depression were deep. But I climbed out and eventually built a family. My younger self would’ve been amazed at me surviving almost 48 hrs of labor, unmedicated. She’d say “what the hell, woman!” 😂 All that to eventually have to get a c-section because my son’s head was too big. Doh! The moments of strength I’ve survived would shock my younger self!

Thank you for sharing your experience! Much love to you!


Apr 17 at 06:58 AM

A little late to post…

I have two faves to call out. 90s hip hop 167, for the joy and fun of that class and for hip hop to push me. And, planks and push ups 178, for pushing me outside my comfort zone and making me want to come back to it to see how I can improve!


Replied on Board 3!!

Apr 14 at 12:06 PM

Right on!