Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Sep 25 at 07:13 PM

Thanks, lady! Samesies!


Sep 25 at 07:18 AM

I SO appreciated Marnie’s emphasis, during the live, on forging connections in this community. I’m thankful for the the online connection that brought me to this space and the connections I’ve made with many of you! Since moving from CO to NC, I’ve struggled in making in-person connections (but have made a few good ones recently). But during my loneliest times in NC, I knew I still had this community. Thank you!!


Commented on My family!!!

Sep 22 at 03:49 AM

Sending love to you and your family. I haven’t heard of any terrible impact to my father’s family, so I’m thankful for that.

Commented on Gone Viral…

Sep 18 at 06:45 PM

Oh no! Please come ride the #deskcrew vibe during live! I sometimes join onto only the chat, if I can’t work out. Feel better soon!

Commented on Durango, CO

Sep 18 at 10:10 AM

Love that part of CO!

Commented on Mommy Daughter Day!

Sep 17 at 08:59 PM

Thanks all! Noticing all my typos and it’s got me cringing 😂 Oh well, I was in the feels about my day and not grammar!


Sep 17 at 06:44 PM

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I missed the live today but had a great day with my daughter. My husband and son are on the coast, at a father-son camp this weekend. We went to our fave local bake shop, met he classmates at a park, and then had a mini spa afternoon. I love connecting with my girl one-on-one. Tonight, which we were at dinner, she asked “mommy can we have a mommy-daughter trip and bring Yoshi (our dog), since she’s a girl?” Yes, yes, we can!


Commented on Morning Workouts

Sep 17 at 06:35 PM

I have always preferred a morning workout, after I take my meds, which need to be on an empty stomach though. I plan my workout the evening before. I try to get to bed at a decent time but am not always successful. Ha. It takes time to get into the groove, if you’re not used to it. Good luck!

Replied on Saturday’s Live

Sep 15 at 06:28 PM

Hugs to you, my dear. ❤️


Sep 13 at 05:20 AM

Hi! Meant to post yesterday, but….work, life, and 3rd anniversary of my previous dog’s death hit me hard. I did Saturday’s live yesterday morning and it was so fun and sweaty. Definitely on fave list! Also, I smiled when that Prince song came on. I feel like there’s not enough Prince in the classes! 😂Also, that T’Pau song towards the end-yesss!