Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Commented on Slowly Getting Back

Jan 06 at 03:53 PM

Thanks for all the love and encouragement!

Jan 06 at 03:52 PM

Sending love to you!


Jan 05 at 06:23 AM

You all! I did yesterday’s live this morning. I modified the hell out of the moves but it worked out. I cut out jumps, I used the chair for some cardio moves, wore shoes…I completely took it easy and listened to my body. Prior to this morning, I’ve been doing some Pilates as well as upper body strength workouts. I think this is the key for me, going forward….using a variety of workouts to keep me strong and healthy. Side note: did a little retail therapy last night and found some fun Brooks shoes for half the price. Since I’ll be wearing running shoes for the foreseeable future, I wanted to add in some variety. :-)


Jan 03 at 05:17 AM

I think I will try to make the class on 1/8, especially since it’ll be a stretch workout.


Dec 20 at 08:03 AM

Hi all! Although I won’t participate in lives for a while, I’ll continue to cheer you all on!

Good follow-up with foot doc. Slowly transitioning to ortho shoe and then sneaker, hoping to be fully in sneaker in one month, for follow-up. Will return to boot if out running errands or on feet a lot a home. I’m restricted to weights while seated or mat exercise. If I had a Peloton, I could do that 😂 Down the line, he doesn’t recommend a lot of the barre exercises, specifically standing on one foot. No impact. I have evaluate how I participate in M/BODY down the line. The calcification around the fracture may take a year to get fully absorbed. Anyway, I’ll get back to the mat in some capacity but am sticking to stretches videos now. Have fun today!



Dec 16 at 06:51 PM

Hi all. So late but here’s my board, 41/60 - much less than anticipated…but, such is life….with an injury. If I’m being totally honest, I’ve been struggling mentally/emotionally without my usual workouts and the rush of feeling so good after a good sweaty class. But, I’m working through it. I’m focusing on more mat Pilates work and some upper body weights…but still utilizing some of the M/BODY stretch classes. Hoping for good news on Monday! I’ll take wearing the boot another month, allowing some weight….instead of crutches/total weight restriction.


Commented on New York, New York!

Dec 12 at 08:57 AM

Aw. Wish I was closer! Planning a visit to the NYC area next summer so I’ll keep you in the look….in case our paths align! :-)

Replied on Down But Not Out

Dec 05 at 05:55 PM

Thanks lady!

Replied on Down But Not Out

Dec 05 at 05:55 PM

Oh! That’s good to know! I rarely drink to begin with…not sure if I want to completely cut it out 😂 But I’ll increase the calcium!


Dec 05 at 03:27 PM

So, I’ve spoken to a few of you of my continued foot issues. It started in the summer. No break was noticed but I was put in an ortho shoe. Never felt 100% but I felt better. I just didn’t make it a priority to check back in with a doc.

After my husband and I went to NYC (walking everywhere!), there was more pain. I finally made an appt. Another X-ray was done showing that I had indeed developed a stress fracture and there is now calcification around the bone (you can see on the 2nd toe). I almost cried with the realization I couldn’t do all of the Marnie moves I love. I had been modifying but now cannot put weight on the foot. I’m in an aircast now and will follow up in 2 weeks. But! There are floor workouts I can do, as well as stretches. I’ll just see what I can do comfortably. I’ll still work on the board, via non-physical daily activities.

All this to say - listen to your bodies!!!