Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Replied on Release the Feet!

Mar 02 at 10:55 AM

Cool! It’s wild to read about how conventional shoes have transformed my feet. I have struggled with numb toes in regular show for a while. I’m excited to be on this journey!


Mar 02 at 06:52 AM

Hi all! This week, I’ve been able to comfortably work out w/out shoes! I’m still doing mostly low impact but have sprinkled some jumps in there as well. I believe what has really helped me since my fracture has been foot exercises given to me by my chiropractor. Strengthening my feet has helped me become more stable and confident. It has also alleviated a lot of my back and hip pain. I’ve also adjusted my gait, as I read more about the importance of foot health. I’ve done a deep dive into barefoot shoe options as well. It’s been truly fascinating. I discovered that I was clenching my toes a lot as well. In response, I’ve continued to strengthen my feet, walk barefoot while at home, wear toe spacers….and invested in a couple of zero drop shoes. It’ll be a process in getting used to those shoes. I mean, I could talk for hours about the topic. LOL It’s also got me thinking about shoe options for my kiddos - I mean, have you noticed how most kids’ toes are more spaced out than most adults’? Anyway. I’m so excited about continuing to strengthen my feet and I just wanted to share my progress. Thanks to everyone who has supported me along my path to recovery!


Feb 27 at 07:48 PM

Love this idea! I’m down for it!

Feb 25 at 11:02 AM

Oops! I forgot that I have a mom & son date to see Ant-Man tomorrow during that time. Will miss connecting with you all!

Feb 25 at 10:59 AM

Thank you so much!!

Feb 25 at 10:59 AM


Feb 25 at 10:59 AM

Right?! Pretty soon they’ll be teenagers - eek!

Feb 25 at 10:58 AM

I will be there!


Feb 25 at 07:30 AM

I got some upsetting info yesterday. I knew I wanted to work out this morning to prep for the day. It’s my son’s bday and we have all the things planned. Starting the day with a workout eases the stress and anxiety, ya know? Well, I needed this workout even more today. The magic of M/BODY and Marnie’s meditation! I can enjoy celebrating my 9 year-old! What?! Enjoy the live today, all!


Commented on 3+ moves...

Feb 25 at 07:26 AM
