Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Jul 26 at 07:27 AM

I loved the pace of this workout and I definitely couldn’t just go through the motions with the choreography - lot of brain use with this one! Although ab-centric, it also feels like a total body effort, especially glutes!

Jul 23 at 05:08 PM

I’ll be there Tuesday! 💕

Jul 23 at 05:07 PM

💕 Desk crew is probably the most fun 😂

Jul 23 at 05:07 PM


Jul 23 at 04:48 PM

💕 thanks so much!


Jul 22 at 07:25 AM

In going back in the catalog to workouts I’ve missed, I did the Mother’s Day workout this morning. It was a sweaty, powerful workout, especially with Marnie’s words “you matter” It’s been a tough few months and I don’t open up too easily, especially at the time of my struggles. Working on it. I’m happy to be back in this space, continuing the work. I start a new job Monday so I’ll be on desk crew during the week too, ready to chat it up!


Jul 22 at 07:11 AM

I’m hanging in. It’s been a difficult few months, mentally, with family stuff, job loss, etc so I stepped away for a bit. Happy to be back in this space.

Jul 21 at 05:39 AM

Your journey has been difficult but your strength is immeasurable. Thank you for opening up to us about your struggle. I feel that sometimes the struggle is never over but that we learn to embrace and ride its wave. I understand about you not wanting to burden others and it takes work for me to open up, even to those outside of this community. We have to welcome the vulnerability because those here and there will catch you when you fall. Love and hugs to you.

Commented on WFH tips?

Apr 20 at 07:51 PM

Definitely getting outside at least once during your day. An occasional coffee shop morning also helps. I also have a large vessel of water with me all the time. As for kids…well, our days are better when both are at school or camp. LOL But what actually has helped when we don’t have either is laying out a schedule for them, to include, play or reading, any chores, getting outside, along with giving some device time. Good luck with everything!!


Apr 19 at 11:28 AM

Hi all! Anyone in Philly or surrounding area who I can connect with about our end of summer family roadtrip?