Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States


Apr 20 at 01:06 PM

Funny thing, I’ve actually had my physical scheduled for tomorrow for months! Had my blood work done on Monday. Boobies smashed a few months ago. And dental scheduled!



Apr 19 at 01:32 PM

…me being alive, for one. Because the depths of my depression were deep. But I climbed out and eventually built a family. My younger self would’ve been amazed at me surviving almost 48 hrs of labor, unmedicated. She’d say “what the hell, woman!” 😂 All that to eventually have to get a c-section because my son’s head was too big. Doh! The moments of strength I’ve survived would shock my younger self!



Apr 17 at 06:58 AM

A little late to post…

I have two faves to call out. 90s hip hop 167, for the joy and fun of that class and for hip hop to push me. And, planks and push ups 178, for pushing me outside my comfort zone and making me want to come back to it to see how I can improve!



Apr 14 at 05:57 AM

I did the 45 min barre sweat this morning and I had forgotten how fun that class was! The music, the moves…smiled through most of it. 😂 Happy 1st day of board 3!



Apr 13 at 06:38 PM

This morning was HARD. In that the only breathing soul that was on my good side was the dog.

Felt a cloud above me the rest of the day that I couldn’t shake.

I couldn’t attend the live but I knew I had to show up for myself after the kids went to bed. So I turned on my battery-operated candles and flowed. Totally helped.

Ready for the final board …and for better mornings. 😀



Apr 03 at 04:56 AM

A little late but this is my daughter’s hair, which I tell her is beautiful every chance I get. Growing up, all comments about my hair were about how it’s not pretty, frizzy, you need to straighten it. Led to years of my mom having it chemically straightened. In my 20’s, I said ENOUGH. And it’s been a curly journey since. So, I want my daughter to only hear how beautiful her hair is.



Apr 01 at 03:11 PM

Dare I say it…I think I really like 60 min workouts. I think it’s because I feel like I actually have time to work myself into the movements and feel the stretches. We’ll see if I continue to feel this way but, yeah, 60 min workout, I think I love you. 😂



Mar 29 at 12:21 PM

As a mom, I’d like to say that one of my superpowers is staying calm while your kiddo is having a meltdown, screaming at you, and saying you’re the worst mom in the world. 😛



Mar 28 at 05:48 AM

I’m a little late to this prompt but I’m working at letting go of expectations for a long-term friendship. It’s been months since I put this effort in motion but I’m hopeful that I will be able to breathe from this emotion.



Mar 25 at 07:22 PM

1/3 boards of the spring challenge done! I’ve been doing these workouts since January and it’s helping me create better habits and love that the stronger body I am developing is better than any clothes size. But I think my jeans are fitting better. 😂 I also think that former me would’ve completely injured my body at this point but I’m better about resting when I need to and honoring when I need a low impact option. Thanks so much to Whitney for introducing me to Marnie and the best community ever! On to board 2!!