Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States


Aug 08 at 03:24 PM

Anyone else already ready for Wednesday’s live? After a Monday that I’m ready to close the book on, I’m ready to knock out all the stress!



Jul 21 at 06:21 AM

Hey…I’m doing the habit hack, which included this week’s live…and something or all of the workouts have made my butt muscles so sore! 😂 Anyone else? I mean, that’s great, but I’m feeling like an old lady when I squat down to pick something up or going up and down the stairs.



Jul 17 at 07:31 AM

Weird. My picture didn’t post from my last entry. Here it is!



Jul 17 at 05:42 AM

I had a little audience while I did yesterdays live this morning. 😀 She is my biggest cheerleader though. Whenever she does see me workout she always says “you’re doing a great job, mommy!”

Also, to tie into “what I love about myself”…I thought of my laugh and the ability to dance silly when everyone is watching. Ha ha



Jul 03 at 05:47 AM

I love that this 21 day habit hack has come up. I’m struggling with a number of personal trials of late, including my injured foot. For the past two days, I’ve walked less with a limp and less pain! I did yesterday’s live, with a lot of modifications (and in my ortho shoe), but still got super sweaty! I’ll try today’s ballet sculpt and meditation later today!



Jun 13 at 06:15 PM

You all! That class on Saturday was amazing! I was able to do it this morning and it was so sweaty and fun. I feel ok sharing my sweaty shirt with you all. 😂 On the other hand, I was so jealous all weekend, seeing all the fun everyone was having. I hope I can make the next event!! 🤞🏼



Jun 01 at 08:19 AM

I did one of my fave 60 min signature workouts early this morning. The music, moves, it’s all just great. Sweaty face for evidence. Ha. Contemplating doing the live in a few hours. Am I crazy? 😂 I just love how I feel after a Marnie workout. You all can relate, I’m sure!



May 05 at 03:33 AM

You all…I’ve been up since 4:15 ET for a work thing. It’s now 6:30 ET and I was supposed to off over an hour ago. What do I decide to do while I wait to execute my task? A 20 mins abs and arms. 😂



May 03 at 06:04 PM

I didn’t complete all 60 but totally knocked out the last board. Listening to my body was key. When it told me to modify and go low impact, I did. When I needed extra stretching, I did that.

Honestly, changes in my personal habits, taking care of myself started clicking over the last few weeks. Started to take a serious look at diet, even though I hadn’t been terrible, I needed improvement.

Really love this community. It’s just a joy! Onward!!



Apr 26 at 06:28 AM

I had friends visiting over the weekend so I’m playing catch up. I did the love yesterday and the meditation. Today, I did the barre sculpt, which I liked more than I thought I would! Music was awesome too. Has me listening to Olivia Newton John this morning. 😂 I’ll try to do the strap stretch this evening and I’ll be back on track! I can’t believe the challenge is almost over!! This has been so fun!