Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States


Nov 15 at 02:40 PM

This is my current board. During my first challenge (spring), this stressed me out and I played catch up to achieve some sort of perfection. But it does not stress me out this go around. Life sometimes does not go as planned and then sometimes you have a planned trip (like a 10 yr anniversary trip) - and you just enjoy that damn trip! Also, I’d compare myself to others and their boards. I’m happy with how I’m embracing this challenge. It’s been more fun. And I haven’t stressed my body in the process. Looking forward to the live tomorrow! Love a good ab workout! Hope everyone is having FUN during the challenge!



Nov 01 at 06:24 AM

Last night was probably one of the most fun evenings I’ve had since moving here. Beers in the driveway with neighbors, walking our little loop with other families, and seeing all the kiddos running around. It started to rain and as some retreated back home, my family and another (our kiddos are in Kindergarten this year) continued on!! So fun to walk in the light rain! I had a bit too much candy last night but I also laughed so much!!



Oct 31 at 06:55 AM

Dang! A work meeting is now ruining my plans to dress up and participate in the live. I might jump on via my iPad to check out what Marnie dresses up as! Hope you all have a great workout!!



Oct 20 at 08:39 AM

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My photos didn’t upload, so here ya go!

Chilly but sunny morning in NC today.



Oct 20 at 08:38 AM

Hi all! I had a slow start to the challenge, due to a family trip and illness. My dad continues to go downhill with dementia and that just wreaks me. And then I got a cold but that was short-lived. One of things I’m working on this challenge is that one workout can be enough, even if it’s 20 mins. I’m also working at getting better and more sleep. That one is real hard! 😂

Also, I love an inner thigh workout! Feeling that strength just energizes me. Yesterday’s live was great!

Getting sunshine on the daily is an “easy” one for me, as my pup gets me outside everyday, whether when we’re walking the kids to school or just going on a lunchtime stroll.



Sep 25 at 07:18 AM

I SO appreciated Marnie’s emphasis, during the live, on forging connections in this community. I’m thankful for the the online connection that brought me to this space and the connections I’ve made with many of you! Since moving from CO to NC, I’ve struggled in making in-person connections (but have made a few good ones recently). But during my loneliest times in NC, I knew I still had this community. Thank you!!



Sep 17 at 06:44 PM

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I missed the live today but had a great day with my daughter. My husband and son are on the coast, at a father-son camp this weekend. We went to our fave local bake shop, met he classmates at a park, and then had a mini spa afternoon. I love connecting with my girl one-on-one. Tonight, which we were at dinner, she asked “mommy can we have a mommy-daughter trip and bring Yoshi (our dog), since she’s a girl?” Yes, yes, we can!



Sep 13 at 05:20 AM

Hi! Meant to post yesterday, but….work, life, and 3rd anniversary of my previous dog’s death hit me hard. I did Saturday’s live yesterday morning and it was so fun and sweaty. Definitely on fave list! Also, I smiled when that Prince song came on. I feel like there’s not enough Prince in the classes! 😂Also, that T’Pau song towards the end-yesss!



Sep 03 at 03:40 AM

I’m looking to upgrade from using my chair but want something that can be put away and not break the bank too much. Any strong recommendations out there?



Aug 24 at 06:30 PM

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This is Yoshi…and a portrait of Yoshi by our friend back in Denver. Pandemic adoption. We think she may now be 3(?)ish. Her rescue name was Yoshi and we kept it. She and I had a rough start at the beginning but I kept working with her and went to a training class…and I usually take her on multiple walks a day. And now, I’m her favorite. 😂 She’s a sweetheart and the best buddy to take to a brewery. It’s been really hard connecting with people since we moved to Raleigh but I can always count on her for unconditional love and a snuggle.