Marisol D

Raleigh, NC, United States

Feb 10 at 06:37 AM

This workout zipped by and was so much fun!

Commented on Finished workouts

Feb 07 at 06:53 PM

Hmm, there’s not a true history view but maybe you can make a few playlists to organize your awesome effort!

Commented on M/<60 SIGNATURE /253

Jan 30 at 06:06 AM

Really fun class and playlist. I haven’t done a 60 min in a long time and it was a great one for the core! The precursor to the month “challenge” of self-love, there were hints of that concept throughout, which I loved. I also felt that there were a lot of modifications presented in this class, which is totally my jam. Even with low impact modifications, you’ll get a good sweat.

Jan 28 at 04:06 PM

In total agreement and sending love to all those in pain.

Commented on M/<30 FLOOR FLOW /251

Jan 20 at 03:50 AM

A great combo of restorative and heat-generating fun! I love floor workouts now and it was great to rest my feet from carrying my body and stress. Thank you!

Jan 18 at 07:31 PM

I hear ya, lady! Sending you lots of love - you got this! Don’t listen to anyone or that inner voice that says that you don’t!

Jan 14 at 03:09 PM

30 min classes allow me to fit in before getting kids and myself ready during the week. Being on EST, I know it might be difficult to do an earlier live but maybe an hour earlier on the weekend? Also, floor workouts are my jam these days so I’ve been going back to a lot of those lately.

Jan 13 at 08:25 AM

Sowanny Mooney Strawberry Lemon, Root Beer, Cola

Jan 12 at 08:10 PM

Ooh! I’ve never seen that one! My son and I like Poppi sodas.

Replied on Ready for live!

Jan 12 at 03:46 AM

Feeling good to be mostly back. Ha!