Whitney Mattocks

Commented on Will Continue to Cheer

Dec 20 at 08:52 AM

Oh Marisol!! I’m glad you’re transitioning to a sneaker soonish but I can imagine how frustrating hearing that barre might not be recommended. Sending you all the hugs and healing thoughts that you recover soon. There are so many workouts out there and maybe this is a good excuse for a peloton 🤪

Dec 15 at 10:03 PM

Lizamary - you are incredible and so much of what you put in your email hits home for me. It’s so hard to balance all the things that comes with life and work and being a mama AND taking care of ourselves and working out. It gets overwhelming. Make sure to take care of yourself and do what your body needs! MBody is always here! Love you!!!

Dec 08 at 02:14 PM

Thanks so much for all the love and support! Her surgery went well and now she’s home resting!!!!

Commented on I had a dream...

Dec 07 at 08:09 PM

Ahhhh horrible dream!!

Commented on Down But Not Out

Dec 06 at 07:36 PM

Oh man!!! So sorry friend!! What a bummer this must be after all the hard work you’ve put into your health! Hopefully with some time in the air cast things heal up! Sending you lots of healing thoughts.

Replied on Checking in!

Dec 02 at 12:53 PM

Thank you!

Replied on Checking in!

Dec 02 at 12:52 PM

Thank you for the encouragement!! I did tell the kids to start asking dad for help with their sicknesses but then of course I was correcting my husband when he did ear drops wrong. My daughter actually pulled me aside and said “mom, I know dad isn’t doing it exactly like you but he’s trying!” Good advice from her!

Replied on Checking in!

Dec 02 at 12:51 PM

Hope your fam is feeling better!!

Replied on Checking in!

Dec 02 at 12:51 PM

I love that! I need to be better about focusing on just a quick workout Vs an hour or something.
I can’t wait to find out what it is!!