Whitney Mattocks

May 05 at 06:32 AM

I loved the playlist today!! And i did it on actual Cinco De Mayo so it was the perfect way to start the day!!

May 05 at 05:27 AM

Yeah, got it in week 2 of the challenge 🙈

May 05 at 05:26 AM

Get it lady!!!

May 04 at 09:46 PM

1st workout postpartum is huge!!! Yay!!

Commented on Catch up

Apr 26 at 03:12 PM

Same here! Had to play catch up but thankfully there have been some short ones lately! That strap stretch was awesome!
Thanks for sharing your story!!! Love how it turned out!

Commented on Added Challenge…

Apr 18 at 07:19 PM

This is amazing. My son didn’t quiz me on characters while working out but he did at dinner the other day and he was so disappointed when i didn’t know them all!!

Commented on Change of Goals!

Apr 18 at 07:18 PM

Yay for listening to your body!!

Commented on New Rhythm

Apr 18 at 07:18 PM

I totally feel you! I have had the luxury of working from home the past two years and have gotten so used to working out at lunch. I go back to the office in two weeks and it’s the workout schedule that has me the most bummer!! I love hearing your mindset!! I’m going to have to learn to be ok if i can’t get an M/BODY in every day and that will still be ok!

Commented on Board 3!!

Apr 14 at 11:42 AM

I loved today’s class!! Although my legs were feeling it by the end so I actually skipped a few of the jumps at the end and actually listened to my body for once ha!