Leah Hapner

Denver, CO, United States

chocolate connoisseur, barefoot kitchen dancer

Mar 08 at 09:34 AM

Happy Birthday!

Commented on M/<45 BARRE SCULPT /26

Feb 25 at 11:47 AM

Music and sequencing is great in this one. There are some moves that I don't think we've done in other classes. I was pretty wiggly on the abs section on one hip/leg with crossed ankles and the ball between the knees. Words-wise this was a fitting class for my life. "We have to unstick ourselves." Somewhere in the first part of class Marnie says this. I kept this in my mind during the entire session and thought of how many things are changing this year. It's exciting to be unsticking! And then the warrrior and emotions and transformation message at the end!

Feb 25 at 08:15 AM

Happy 9th birthday!!

Jan 22 at 10:44 AM

I second Heidi! 20/30s during the week and 45/60 on the weekends.

Commented on M/<20 DANCER'S LEGS

Dec 19 at 06:00 AM

All the hip rolls in this one are soooo great! I can feel and see the progress I've made in the past year!

Commented on Stay Gentle

Dec 18 at 07:12 AM

This is lovely!

Commented on Capitalism

Dec 18 at 07:11 AM

Yes! And it doesnt matter if you unsubscribe. I really try to buy useful gifts and Iโ€™m slowly convicing my boyfriend that we should do experiential gifts for his kids.

Commented on Capitalism

Dec 18 at 07:10 AM

Yes! And it doesnt matter if you unsubscribe. I really try to buy useful gifts and Iโ€™m slowly convicing my boyfriend that we should do experiential gifts for his kids.

Commented on M/<30 STANDING CORE

Dec 11 at 07:33 AM

Per the wellness challenge, this is my go to class when I'm not sure what I want, when I'm traveling, when I know I do not want to be on the floor, when I want to confidently move through a class. I'm pretty sure my form is as best as it can be in this class. And I can always find 30 minutes.

Commented on Down But Not Out

Dec 05 at 04:53 PM

Oh no, Marisol! Iโ€™ll send some speedy recovery thoughts your way. Also, rock on to you for not ignoring your pain!